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Peeing in a cup/bottle

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So many times for so many reasons. Mainly because my house only has one bathroom. Sometimes I wake up bursting while someone is using in the shower. My solution is to find a soda bottle and line it up so that my urethra is completely inside the rim of the opening. Then I release, watching my stream shoot to the bottom and begin to replace its previous liquid. Or I pull into a parking lot after a long journey. I have to pee but there are no close restrooms and too many people around. So I use a bottle or cup in my car. 

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Someone's been in my bathroom for a while and I'm about to pee in a pitcher. Of course, that's much wider than a bottle or a cup, so I suppose that puts it in a less exciting category.

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2 hours ago, WetJess said:

Here there’s a brand of drink called oasis which has a nice wide opening bottle. Perfect to help with the aim

How much do these bottles hold? Have you used one yourself?

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22 hours ago, Lilly bowman said:

When have u ever had to go in a cup or bottle? Where and why?

Many times, sometimes for convenience and sometimes to see how much I can pee. 

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20 hours ago, hibillymayshear said:

Growing up I would sometimes pee in bottles in my bedroom. One time just for fun I spent the entire night filling up a 2 litre bottle with pee and it was full by the morning. 

Just like me for real

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6 minutes ago, vivi54 said:

I've peed in cups before, not my go-to choice, but if I'm in a car and pulling over just isn't an option, that's what I'll do

were there any particularly desperate situations for you where 1 cup was not enough?

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9 hours ago, vivi54 said:

I've peed in cups before, not my go-to choice, but if I'm in a car and pulling over just isn't an option, that's what I'll do

What situations make pulling over not an option?

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10 hours ago, vivi54 said:

I've peed in cups before, not my go-to choice, but if I'm in a car and pulling over just isn't an option, that's what I'll do

What's your favorite option in that situation?

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