kitty and mimi 121 Posted December 4, 2022 Share Posted December 4, 2022 (edited) The page below is a entry from baidu encyclopedia. it is the entry of "尿友". the term "尿友" is a modern Chinese slang term. Its literal translation is "pee friend","pee mate" or "pee buddy". it mean friends who meet each other inside the bathroom or pee together. pee mate are almost always same sex friends,because Chinese bathrooms are strictly gender segregation. people who have pee mates are usually women, because men don't usually go to bathroom together. for example, when girls in high school talk about something they consider to be private (such as the boys who they are attract to, or the boys who chase them) that would be inconvenient for for them to talk while the boys present,therefor,they talk about those think while peeing in bathroom. also, at workplace or office, women talk to each other about a lot of things that they don't want their male coworkers to hear. they talk about those thing while peeing inside bathroom. many Chinese public bathrooms have squat toilets with no door, no partition in women's room while open communal stand urinals are in men's rooms. it is normal for people see other people of same sex peeing in a gender segregation environment.women can squat side by side and talk to each other while peeing. if men and women go out in group, whether they are family or friends, during the pee break, men and women go to separate side of the bathroom, while peeing, women are more likely to talk about the men who are in next door, while men are less likely talking to each other about the such gender segregation environment, women can safely gossip about men who they know , who were also peeing on the other side of bathroom in next door,such as their male friends, their boyfriend, their husband, their father, their brothers or their sons. while those men in next door were silence, not talking to each other, and stand far away from each other while peeing. unlike their girlfriend, their wife, their mother, their daughters or their sisters who are in the next door who squat very close to each other and gossip about them while peeing. if a group of men bring their girlfriend or wife go out together, during the pee break, men and women pee in separate side of bathroom in a gender segregation environment, the female partners are more likely squat close to each other and talk to each other about their boyfriend or husband. on the other side of the bathroom, the scenario is different, the male partners will stand far away from each other, and will not talk to each other while peeing. when women go out with friends, during the pee break which men and women go separate bathroom,single women will talk about their male friends, men who chase them or men who they are attracted to. women in relationship will talk about their boyfriend.when single women go out with their parents and family members, during the pee break ,which men and women go separate bathroom, the female family member will talk to their mother or sisters about their father or brothers.when married women go out with their family, during the pee break,which men and women go separate bathroom, the female family members would talk to their mother in law or daughters about their their father in law, their husband or their son which they don't want the men hear their talking. relationship of pee mates can also be considered to be alternative of heterosexual relationship inside bathroom. when women need to go to bathroom in public, they cannot go with their boyfriend or husband, because public bathroom are gender segregation, men and women go different side, but women in general more likely to fear of loneliness than men. they can find emotional connection from other women, therefore, pee mates serve the similar purpose. traditionally, Chinese people consider women to be a vulnerable group that need to be protected by their husband or male family members. for example, when some women pee in outdoor environment, they have their boyfriend or husband to stand guard to make sure them not being seen by other men. but in a gender segregation environment in women bathroom, only women can protected each other. in some places,female bathroom stall have only partitions,with no door. women go to bathroom together in order to guard each other, to make sure that they are not seeing by other female strangers while they are peeing. for example two women go to bathroom together, (the bathroom is too busy, the stalls have no door) when the first woman squat and pee inside the stall, the second woman stand in front of the stall to guard the first woman, wait until the first woman finish peeing. after the first woman finish peeing, the second woman begin to squat and pee in the stall. the first woman stand in front of the stall and guard the second woman. in such cultural environment, women tend to go to bathroom together when bathroom is busy. A woman want to go to pee will find a same sex friend to serve the purpose as the "door of the stall".尿友/4520347 google translation:尿友/4520347?_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc not only Chinese women, it is also common for western women to have pee mates. women go to bathroom together, and talk to their friend who sit next stall while peeing are considered to be pee mates. In the speech of Adele Adkins during The 85th Oscar academic award, she consider Jennifer Aniston to be her pee mate. when Jennifer Aniston and and Adele Adkins met for the first time, they met in bathroom. Adele was sitting next stall of aniston, and heard aniston's peeing come out. She feel aniston's peeing sound was brilliant. biologically, men and women don't need to separate bathroom, but culturally,bathroom for man and women are separated. according to Sarah Moore, a senior lecturer at the Center for Criminology and Sociology at Royal Holloway, University of London,in a bathroom that is mixed genders, it would be advantageous for men and will be disavantageous for women. Women would be fear of being watched by men. but in a bathroom that is gender segregation, it would be advantageous for women and disavantageous for men. women will feel safer inside women's room. but inside men's room, men will be fear of being watched by other men. google translation: according to a British journal of criminology,Sarah Moore done a survey in 20 different public bathrooms in Longdong, from both men and women side. she found out that both men and women complained about bathroom, but their reason for complaining the bathroom were entirely different.women generally complain more about cleanliness of the bathroom than privacy. on the other hand, men are more likely fear of being watching by other men while peeing on urinals. men are also worry about being sexually attacked by gay men in men's room, but women do not worry about being sexually attacked by lesbians in ladies room. some researchers use camera to observe the bathroom behavior of men who pee on urinals, and found out that men don't usually pee next to each other. there is a unwritten rule in men's room that keep distance from each other while peeing on urinals. when a man on urinal is approach by another man, he would feel anxiety, will delay the beginning of his peeing session(his peeing come out late),but he will pee faster, and his peeing session become shorter. some researchers even suggest that if the men know that they were on camera, their peeing would not even come are more likely fear of being sexual attacked by gay men, although statistically speaking, sexual crime that commit by homosexual people inside gender segregation bathroom is uncommon. but the scenario is different on the other side of the bathroom, women will more enjoy their time inside the bathroom. women feel more relax to chat to their friends or strangers while waiting in line. they can guard each other while peeing if the stall have no door. while peeing, they can talk to other women who sit next stall about their family and safely complain about their boyfriend,their husband,their father or their son, which the men cannot hear their talking because the men are on the other side of the bathroom. gender segregation of the bathroom allow women talk about things that they don't feel safe to talk when men are present. they talk about those thing while peeing, not only they can relieve their bodies, but mentally relieve at the same time. after finish peeing, women can also share makeup with each other. women enjoy to spend more time in bathroom with other women. men and women have different preference of peeing environment, therefore the cultures inside men's room and women's room are different. although both men and women want a safe peeing environment, the definition of safety is different between men and women when it come to bathroom. the thing that men concern is social anxiety,while the thing women concern is generally fear of being watch by other men while peeing, women on the other hand, fear of peeing alone. men fear being watched or approach by other while stand peeing on urinal in a busy men's room, while enjoy more privacy when peeing in a empty,quiet men's room. women on the other hand, fear being isolated and loneliness while peeing sitting down in a stall in a large, empty, quiet women's room.women will enjoy going to bathroom with friends, peeing while talking to friend who sit next feel unsafe to pee on urinal when men's room is busy, because they more people inside men's room, the more likely gay men would present. but for women, peeing alone in a large, quiet women's room would feel unsafe, because it is more easy for sexual predators to sneak inside. women are also more likely to fear being alone than men, and more likely fear of being isolated. if a heterosexual couple go to pee in a large, quiet bathroom in public at the same time in gender segregation environment, it is advantageous for the man, and disavantageous for the woman, because the woman may feel lose her protection when she separate from her male partner. the woman will feel more anxiety while peeing than her boyfriend or husband. if the couple go to a busy and noisy bathroom, and peeing separately in different gender side, The man may feel more stress while his girlfriend or wife on the other side may feel more relax. when a couple separate from each other while peeing in different side of the public bathroom, there would be one person feel pleasant experience while another feel unpleasant experience. if a man on urinal was approach by another man, he will feel anxiety, and will pee as fast as he can. but for women, they feel no problem to pee with friend who sit next stall,pee more slowly, and more enjoy peeing while talking to her friend. although women in developed country don't usually worry about privacy in bathroom, this might be change when they travel to less developed countries.女星曝北京女廁-間5馬桶沒隔板-網傻眼-這我真的不行-065901015.html google translate:女星曝北京女廁-間5馬桶沒隔板-網傻眼-這我真的不行-065901015.html?_x_tr_sl=zh-TW&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc some Chinese ladies rooms do not have door or partition. It allow group of women who don't know to each other squat side by side and pee at the same time while talking to each other. when a famous Taiwanese actress gynoy(歐陽靖) first travel to Beijing four years ago in 2018, she feel so scary when she had to squat to pee with other four women. she prefered to squat to pee outside than in lady's room. Now,she have already got used to it. although shy bladder issue is more common among men and less common among women, but women with shy bladder do exist, including Chinese women. google translate: because women are more likely wait in line, the long wait make some women feel more stressful. other women may feel concern about being seen by other women while peeing. they feel anxiety while peeing in a bathroom with no door, and no partition. for women without shy bladder issue, cleanliness of the bathroom maybe more concern than privacy. as china become more developed, western toilet become more and more popular,especially in hotel, fancy restaurant and popular tourist destination. women will more likely to face western toilet.some interview show that 90 percent of women worry about cleanliness of western toilets. google translate: a lot of women hover on the toilet or step on the toilet and squat. the author of above page list four different postures that women use, and believe that women with different personality will use different posture to urinate when they face western toilet. first one is hover, second is step on toilet and squat, third is sit, the fourth is any other positions. (the google translation does not translate the slang words in this page accurately. "馬步派" actually mean hover(semi squat), should not translate as "Mabu Pai":" 蹲立派 actually mean step on the toilet and squat, should not be translated as "Squat stand" "坐立派" mean sit, should not be translated as "Sit-stand" 功夫派 mean other postures,should not be translated as "Kung Fu style") according to the author of the webpage above, there are four types of female urination position and four types of female personality traits. the first one is hover(semi squat). 45 percent of women choose to hover. the women who choose to hover tend to avoid conflict when situation become difficult,unable to bear hardships,afraid of bondage, love freedom, hate rules,has weak sense of hierarchy, lack of patience in doing things, no sense of commitment. the second is step on the toilet seat and squat on it. 15 percent of women choose this position. the women who choose this position are dominance,like to control over the situation and want other people to follow her. the third is just sit. 30 percent of women choose just sit on the toilet seat. women who choose to sit are quiet,friendly and hope that everyone get along in harmony. the fourth is any other postures different from the above. 5 percent of women choose other postures. women who choose other postures are romantic,emotional,creative, do things on their own way and have artistic talent. although 90 percent of general adult women population worry about cleanliness of western toilet, only 50 percent of female high school students worry about the same. female high school students are less likely to adopt hovering position to pee than general women population. only twenty five percent of female high school students will choose to hover while urinate. most of them not afraid to sit down to pee. younger women in Asia are more like to sit down to pee than older women. this will be even more obvious in developed Asian countries like Singapore. unlike china,peeing while sitting down is mostly preferred by female high school students. in Singapore, women up to 25 years old still prefer sit down to pee rather than squat. there was a survey done in ladies rooms in shopping malls in Singapore in 2010, suggest that women below 30 years old in Singapore more likely to prefer sit down to pee than squat.坐廁省力不怕腳酸-‧新加坡女性不愛用蹲廁 google translate:坐廁省力不怕腳酸-‧新加坡女性不愛用蹲廁?_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp during weekend and holiday, there were long line in front of ladies room in every shopping mall in Singapore,but the stalls that with squat toilet were almost always empty. this may suggest that women who go shopping during weekend or holiday are more likely to be those who prefer sit down on the toilet seat in public bathroom than those who squat to pee. sitting down to pee become norm inside ladies rooms in shopping malls during weekend and holiday in Singapore. for example,the ladies room on the 3rd floor of Boon Lay Jurong Point Shopping Center have 20 stalls,16 of them with western toilets,4 of them with squat toilet. while there was a long line in front of the ladies room, the 4 stalls with squat toilet were empty most of time. the women prefer to wait for western toilet than go to squat toilet. the interview also show that the younger the women are,the more likely to choose to sit down to pee in public bathroom, and less likely to hover or choose squat toilet.for example,Li Xiaoen, a 17-year-old female student, said that squat toilet can make her feet burn. Even if the toilet is dirty, it is fine to wipe the seat before using it.also,Li Yingxiu, a 25-year-old female bank clerk, is reluctant to use the squat toilet for fear that she will pee her shoes.but the women above 30,tend to choose squat toilet because they believe that squatting toilets are the first choice for hygiene. The 30-year-old Kang Shiyun said that too many people have sat on the western toilet, and the problem of hygiene make her really worrying. She will only use it unless there is no choice. Ms. HO pointed out that using the squat toilet does not require hover to pee, nor does it waste toilet paper. women above 30 years old are more likely to choose squat toilet, and will hover when face western toilet. this may suggest that women who go shopping in during weekend and holiday in Singapore tend to be younger than general women population,while mature women in Singapore maybe less interested in shopping. The women inside the women bathrooms in the shopping malls are likely to be young, such as female high school students, college students, or young moms under 30 years old, who bring their daughters.this maybe the reason they choose to sit down to pee, and most stalls with squat toilet are empty most of time while there were long line in front of the lady's room. Edited December 7, 2022 by kitty and mimi 3 1 Link to post
HitEmAll 1,029 Posted December 4, 2022 Share Posted December 4, 2022 18 minutes ago, kitty and mimi said: In the speech of Adele Adkins during The 85th Oscar academic award, she consider Jennifer Aniston to be her pee mate. when Jennifer Aniston and and Adele Adkins met for the first time, they met in bathroom. Adele was sitting next stall of aniston, and heard aniston's peeing come out. She feel aniston's peeing sound was brilliant. @kitty and mimi thanks for the translation! This is really interesting! I love the part where apparently Adele described Jennifer Aniston's peeing sound as "brilliant" 🤣 1 Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted December 26, 2022 Author Share Posted December 26, 2022 (edited) inside the ladies room in gym houses in Taiwan, the situation is very different from the ladies room in shopping malls in Singapore. unlike the ladies room in shopping malls in Singapore, which most women prefer sit down to pee, women who go to gym house in Taiwan prefer pee while hovering when face western toilet. peeing in semi squat position is a normal inside ladies room in gym house in Taiwan, which often make mess of the toilet seat. gogle translate: In one gym house in Taiwan, there is a side notice inside ladies room,it said:"Attention all beauties, if you are afraid to sit on the toilet, no matter you use the puffing or semi-squatting position, please be careful not to drip residual urine on the toilet seat to respect the subsequent users." I saw a article in a Chinese website on internet, (the webpage no longer available) the title is "secret inside Chinese women's room"(中国女厕所的秘密). It said that almost all married women who live in Chinese big cities adopt semi squat position to pee in public bathroom, while single women are more likely to sit down to pee. this is not a secret for women,especially, married women. but this is a secret for Chinese men, especially single men. western toilets are more common in big cities than suburban areas in China. single younger women,or female high school students are more likely to choose to sit down to pee in public bathroom than mature married women. In urban area, where western toilets are common in hotels, restaurants, or offices, peeing in hovering position in public bathroom became norm for mature women who live there. I saw an article in a webpage from Hong Kong, which mention that there was a women's room in an office in Hong Kong where most female employees choose to sit down to pee, while the female supervisor almost always pee in semi squat position which make mess of the toilet seat. Also,female teachers in Hong Kong are more likely to choose to adopt squat or semi squat position to urinate than their female students. The female high school students are more likely sit down to pee in public bathroom than their female teachers. the link above is a threat from a forum in Hong Kong,one woman who discuss in the threat is a high school teacher in Hong Kong. because the lecturing time is so long, the break is very short. she is not allow to go to bathroom when she was lecturing her students. She got full bladder whenever lecturing end,when the break begin. toilet in the school are all western toilet, and are dirty. because the break is short, she cannot go outside to find squat toilet. she admit that every time she pee in the school toilet, she just step on the western toilet and squat, even if when she was wearing high heel shoes. I think her female students will not know this, because bathrooms for teachers in Hong Kong are separate from student's bathrooms. I think none of her female students can imagine their teacher step on a western toilet and squat to pee while wearing high heel shoes. the bathroom behavior inside teacher's bathroom is different from student's bathroom. inside the women's room for teachers, hover or step on the toilet and squat to pee is the norm, on the other hand, inside the girl's room for students, sit down to pee is the norm. the toilet seats inside girl's room for students may be cleaner than the toilet seats in women's room for teachers, because the girl students prefer to sit down to pee while the women teachers choose to squat or hover to pee. Edited December 27, 2022 by kitty and mimi 1 1 Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted December 31, 2022 Author Share Posted December 31, 2022 (edited) in public bathroom,women generally spend longer time to pee than men. some research show that the average time men spend to urinate is 39 seconds while women spend 89 second to urinate. in public bathroom during holiday and weekend,there are long lines in front of women's rooms, while men's room are empty and quiet most of time. women are more likely to have to wait in line in front of the bathroom. when families or couples go out together during weekend, during the the pee break, men usually finish peeing earlier than the women. After the men finish peeing, they would have to wait for their girlfriend, wife, mother or daughters who were still inside the women's room. it become very crowded in front of women's room, not just the women wait in line for the bathroom, the crowd also include men who wait for their female friends, partner or family members.旅遊熱話/等女友去廁所-藍橘子-362200/4/ google translation:旅遊熱話/等女友去廁所-藍橘子-362200/?_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp in movie theaters in Hong Kong during weekend,in front of women's rooms become a "girlfriend waiting area" for men to wait for their girlfriend, wife, mother, daughters, other female family members or female friends. this is more likely happen in movie theater, but less likely to happen in shopping mall. although both have long line in front of women's room, men are less likely to wait in front of bathrooms in shopping malls than movie theaters, because women tend to go shopping with same sex family members and friends, and they will more likely go to bathroom together. but when they go to movie, they are more likely go with their husband or boyfriend, therefore, women inside the bathroom in movie theater are less likely know each other, men are more likely wait in front of women's room in movie theater. while waiting outside of women's room, some men may imagine how their girlfriend or wife pee inside the bathroom, while other men may wonder what is inside the women's room and what make women pee too long. although the size of both men's room and women's room are same, toilet stalls in women's room actually occupy more space than male urinals in men's room. the picture above is a example. bathroom for both gender have same size. men's room have twelve urinals and two stalls, but only ten stalls in women's room. this men's room allow twelve men pee at same time,but only ten women can pee at same time. female clothes are more complicate than male clothes. every woman want to dress beautiful when they go out with their boyfriend. when they go to pee in public bathroom, it take them more time. for example, if a woman wear jumpsuit, she need to pull down entire clothing in order to pee. when women go to pee inside bathroom in shopping malls, they need to find a place to put their purses. if the women wear trousers when pee on squat toilet, they need to roll their legs of pants up to prevent their pants from become dirty. women are more likely to play on their cellphone inside bathroom than men. when men were peeing on urinal, their hands need to hold their penis,but when women were peeing sitting down, their hands were unoccupied. women can play on their cellphone while peeing. while focusing on their cell phone, they may not acknowledge that the time was passing. some research that I mention in my first post of this thread suggest that men will likely pee faster on urinals when they were vulnerable of being watched by other men inside men's bathroom. men will feel stress and anxiety when peeing on urinals inside men's room which can be seen by other men. this may be another reason why women's room have longer line than men's room.inside a gender segregation bathroom, in public space that is noisy and crowded,during holiday and weekend, this is disadvantageous for men, and advantageous for women. men who stand to pee on urinals in men's room will feel unsafe and being watched by other men. they will pee as fast as possible to minimized their exposure to other men. on the other hand, peeing in public bathroom become more enjoyable for women. women who sit inside the stalls in women's room would pee in slower speed and enjoy the time inside women's room. women feel safer to pee inside a noisy and crowded bathroom, because there was no men inside. the more women inside the bathroom, the less likely sexual crime can take place. therefore, in bathrooms in crowded public spaces during holiday and weekend, it is norm for men pee fast on urinal in men's room, while women who sit inside the stalls pee slowly. Edited December 31, 2022 by kitty and mimi 2 Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted January 10, 2023 Author Share Posted January 10, 2023 (edited) last Sunday (the day before yesterday)my younger sister, my mother and me went to shopping mall together, to buy some clothes and makeup. that was the last day of holiday on sale. Inside the clothes department of a department store in the mall, there is almost no heterosexual couple shopping together. almost all people are female. almost all of them of them go shopping with their same sex family members. when we went to bathroom together, we almost saw no men go into or come out of the men's room, while there were females from various of age groups (from little girls to female senior citizens) who wait inline outside the women's room. The women who went to bathroom can be divided into two categories: the first group include young women who are not independent and still live with their parents. the second group include women who are already married and already have children.(there was almost no single independent women or women who newly married, who have no children.) the age of two group of women are two extremes, either too old or two young.(they can divide into youth group and senior group)female senior citizens are more likely to go to bathroom alone than younger women. all women who go to bathroom alone are in the older age group(all old women go to bathroom alone, unless they accompany with their daughters or young women. none of them go to bathroom with other women who in their own age.), while women in the younger age group would at least accompanied by someone(some can be in the older age group, but not always). little girls would go with their mother sisters or mother(teen girls or young adult women may be accompanied by some who in the older age group, such as her mother, or if otherwise, they will be accompanied with her daughter or younger sister. ) this suggest that older women are more likely to prefer peeing alone, just like men. younger women are more likely fear of being alone inside bathroom. almost no one go to bathroom with same sex friend of the same age. for those women who do go to bathroom with other women, they almost always go to bathroom with same sex family member of different ages. Edited January 12, 2023 by kitty and mimi Link to post
Carb0nBased 613 Posted January 14, 2023 Share Posted January 14, 2023 Some of the translations are hilarious. Like "Female students become public meat toilets"--maybe that would be the title of a particularly raunchy golden shower video, but as the title of a news piece it's quite amusing! And "play the trumpet" as a way of saying "use the toilet"--that's funny too. It's interesting to hear how women's pee habits might be different in other cultures though. Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted January 15, 2023 Author Share Posted January 15, 2023 18 hours ago, Carb0nBased said: Some of the translations are hilarious. Like "Female students become public meat toilets"--maybe that would be the title of a particularly raunchy golden shower video, but as the title of a news piece it's quite amusing! And "play the trumpet" as a way of saying "use the toilet"--that's funny too. those are all Chinese slang words that the google translation system cannot recognize. the google translation seem to translate too literally. the term "女生" originally mean female students or girls who are in school age, but in modern Chinese, it can mean young and unmarried women or girls in general. single women below 40 years old can still be called "女生", not just school age girls. the term "肉便器 " is a term that borrow from Japanese. It doesn't mean "meat toilet". It mean sluts or promiscuous women which considered to be sex toilets for men to contain their semen. the term "小号" literally mean trumpet, but in modern Chinese slang, it mean peeing. modern Chinese people use the term "小号" (trumpet) as informal way of saying "peeing" and use "大号" (tuba) to say "shitting". I don't think people of older generation who live in village in china would understand such terms since they are very new, and more common among internet circle. 19 hours ago, Carb0nBased said: It's interesting to hear how women's pee habits might be different in other cultures though. it is even more interesting that those webpages mention peeing cultures and styles of women in different ages, personality traits, marriage status and occupation. they also discuss different scenario in side ladies room in different public space(such as shopping mall, restaurant,school and movie theater) and the different scenario inside different gender bathroom in gender segregation environment, and how they influence the relationship between men and women. Link to post
Carb0nBased 613 Posted January 15, 2023 Share Posted January 15, 2023 4 hours ago, kitty and mimi said: those are all Chinese slang words that the google translation system cannot recognize. the google translation seem to translate too literally. the term "女生" originally mean female students or girls who are in school age, but in modern Chinese, it can mean young and unmarried women or girls in general. single women below 40 years old can still be called "女生", not just school age girls. the term "肉便器 " is a term that borrow from Japanese. It doesn't mean "meat toilet". It mean sluts or promiscuous women which considered to be sex toilets for men to contain their semen. That still doesn't make sense in the context, though. It was an article about women using actual public toilets, not about becoming sex dolls for men. 4 hours ago, kitty and mimi said: the term "小号" literally mean trumpet, but in modern Chinese slang, it mean peeing. That's really interesting, I wonder how that came to be. I was imagining maybe that "the trumpet" was a euphemism for "the toilet" because a toilet bowl is shaped a bit like the flared bell of a trumpet, with a pipe at the bottom--though that's Western toilets and not the traditional Chinese squatty potties, and doesn't explain why pee specifically. It does show that people are quite creative when it comes to words for peeing--maybe we should have a contest here on Peefans to see who can come up with the most creative expression for it. Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted January 16, 2023 Author Share Posted January 16, 2023 (edited) 21 hours ago, Carb0nBased said: That still doesn't make sense in the context, though. It was an article about women using actual public toilets, not about becoming sex dolls for men. I think the author of the news article consider the habit of sitting down to pee on dirty toilet seat in public bathroom is akin to promiscuity,because too many women have sat on the western toilets. just like women who have sex with many men, who already have sex with many women, are likely to be infect with sexual transmitted disease,women who have habit to sit down to pee in public bathroom that many women have sat on will likely to infected with disease. women who don't want to control their bladder, don't want to hover, willing to sit down on dirty toilet seats to relieve their bladder, are like those who don't want to control their sexual desire, and willing to have sex with any men to relieve their sexual drive. women who have sat on many different toilets in public are considered to be indirectly having sex with many other women, therefore it is considered to be promiscuous. 21 hours ago, Carb0nBased said: That's really interesting, I wonder how that came to be. I was imagining maybe that "the trumpet" was a euphemism for "the toilet" because a toilet bowl is shaped a bit like the flared bell of a trumpet, with a pipe at the bottom--though that's Western toilets and not the traditional Chinese squatty potties, and doesn't explain why pee specifically. It does show that people are quite creative when it comes to words for peeing--maybe we should have a contest here on Peefans to see who can come up with the most creative expression for it. I used to think that was relate to peeing sound. I asked my younger sister about that. she said that peeing have nothing to do with trumpet. it just happen to be the same Chinese characters combination. Edited January 16, 2023 by kitty and mimi Link to post
Carb0nBased 613 Posted January 16, 2023 Share Posted January 16, 2023 1 hour ago, kitty and mimi said: I think the author of the news article consider the habit of sitting down to pee on dirty toilet seat in public bathroom is akin to promiscuity,because too many women have sat on the western toilets. just like women who have sex with many men, who already have sex with many women, are likely to be infect with sexual transmitted disease,women who have habit to sit down to pee in public bathroom that many women have sat on will likely to infected with disease. women who don't want to control their bladder, don't want to hover, willing to sit down on dirty toilet seats to relieve their bladder, are like those who don't want to control their sexual desire, and willing to have sex with any men to relieve their sexual drive. women who have sat on many different toilets in public are considered to be indirectly having sex with many other women, therefore it is considered to be promiscuous. I used to think that was relate to peeing sound. I asked my younger sister about that. she said that peeing have nothing to do with trumpet. it just happen to be the same Chinese characters combination. So the same Chinese characters can mean both "trumpet" and "peeing" depending on the context? I definitely wouldn't associate the sound of a trumpet with peeing! (maybe with farting though, lol). I was trying to think what instrument sounds most like peeing--maybe some kind of metallic percussion instrument like a glockenspiel when played by sliding the mallet across the bars rather than tapping (though even that's a stretch!)? In music class, when listening to very old, low-quality recordings with a sort of "static hiss" in them, we used to call it "fish frying", maybe we should have called it "peeing on the record" lol! Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted January 16, 2023 Author Share Posted January 16, 2023 (edited) there might be a strange belief among some Chinese men that women who sitting down on public toilet while peeing is associate with promiscuity and sexual infidelity. hovering while peeing in public toilet is associate with sexual purity and fidelity. women who don't want to control their bladder, don't want to hover, have sat on many different toilet seats in various of public places(such as shopping malls, movie theaters, gym house and such),willing to sit on toilet seat to relieve their bladder in public which too many other women have sat on,are considered likely to relief their sexual drives in the same way that they relief their bladder, with the men whoever they met without fear of sexual transmit disease, just like relief their bladder on public toilet where ever they went without fear of transmit disease. women who sit down to pee only if they were at home, while hover to pee in public, are consider to be more faithful to their husband. many men want their wife or girlfriend hover to pee in public bathroom when they face western toilet, (if those men want to steal a girlfriend or wife from her boyfriend or husband, I think it will make more sense for them to choose women who sit down to pee,if that is really the case,since they associate sitting on public toilet with promiscuity and infidelity which make them easier to get)but it may be hard to know the peeing posture of their partners (or women they who they are chasing) in public bathroom in gender segregation environment ,(toilet at home does not count) especially, those people who know each other not very long time. some men will not know the peeing posture of their girlfriend until they married. when they go out with their girlfriend, during the pee break, men and women go separate side of bathroom, the men who were standing and peeing on the urinal, may wonder how their girlfriend pee on the other side of the bathroom.even some married men might not know the peeing posture of their wife in public unless the women tell them first.many men in Chinese speaking circle, choose to marry or have long term relationship with women who hover to pee in public bathroom. women who sit down to pee are considered to be better for short term relationship or one night stand. this may explain why married women in china are more likely to hover to pee, while female high school students are more likely to sit down to pee in public toilet.(survey done in non married female population, such as high school students, show a higher percentage of those who sit down to urinate in public than general female adult population,which mostly supposed to be married) this might also explain why female teachers in Hong Kong choose to hover or step on toilet seat and squat to pee(which different from their female students who choose to sit down to pee), which make mess of women's room for teachers(the girls bathrooms for students are cleaner than teacher's bathroom, or other mixed ages female bathroom in public). it might be because most female teachers are married, or at least in long term relationship. even if some of them happen to be single,they are hard to get. they are more interested in long term commit relationship rather than short term unstable relationship. on the other hand,none of those female students were married, and most of them are in short term unstable relationship, and have no interest in long term committed relationship. since female students are more likely to have short term unstable relationship than their female teachers, this may explain their different in bathroom behavior. women who avoid sitting on the toilet seat to urinate in public toilet are more likely to prefer long term commit relationship over short term unstable one. for married women, this is a sign of fidelity. for single women, this is a sign of sexual purity. if they cannot find a stable relationship, they may prefer voluntarily single, rather than have a short term unstable one. although it might be less common for high school girls to hover in public toilet in Hong Kong compare to mature women, I saw a anecdote story on a Chinese discussion forum in a Hong Kong website suggest that those who attend single gender girl schools are more likely to adopt semi squat position to urinate since the school years, compare to the girls who attend mixed gender schools, who are more likely to sit down to pee in public bathroom. girls who have boyfriends may be more likely to sit down to pee in public bathroom than those who without boyfriend since most their relationship are short term and unstable. girls who prefer sitting posture to urinate in public bathroom in many different public places are more likely to be those who in mix gender school, have more male friends, have boyfriend and more likely to enjoy short term relationship. for married women who prefer sit down to pee in public, they may be dissatisfied with their current relationship. they usually go to bathroom with friends, sit next stall with their friend. they talk to each other and complain about their husband while peeing. they are more likely to enjoy the time inside ladies room,pee slowly and don't even care about their husband who wait outside of the ladies room. married women who are satisfied with their current relationship are more likely to go to ladies room alone,(because they spend more time with their husband, they are more likely to go out with their husband than friend,therefor they go to bathroom alone), will try to pee faster in ladies room because they don't want their husband to wait too long. women who sit are more likely go to ladies room in group while those who hover are more likely to go to ladies room alone. women who sit usually spend more time inside the ladies room than those who hover. Edited January 17, 2023 by kitty and mimi Link to post
kitty and mimi 121 Posted January 25, 2023 Author Share Posted January 25, 2023 (edited) there is a joke on Chinese internet that there was a Chinese man went on a blind date with a woman. when they talk to each other for the first time, they could get along,but the man didn’t expect the woman to say that it was inconvenient for her to pee while squatting. the man drove the woman away as soon as she said that it was inconvenient for her to squat to pee. another webpage below is a thread in a Taiwanese forum written by a Taiwanese woman.her boyfriend wanted to break up with her just because she could not hover to pee. it was during the pandemic, her boyfriend feel that if she go to public bathroom without squat toilet, she should learn to pee in semi squat position. although she tried that before, it sprayed everywhere and make mess the toilet seat. it is very interesting that a lot of Chinese men do pay attention to the peeing position of their wife or girlfriend in public bathroom, although they will probably never been able to see it personally in a gender segregation bathroom environment. I am not sure whether those Chinese women really pee in the position that their husband or boyfriend expect them to do in public.(although this might explain why female teachers in Hong Kong tend to adopt non sitting posture to pee in public bathroom, since female teachers are more likely to be married or in long term stable relationship.peeing in sitting position in public is more common among female high school students than general female population, because none of the high school students are married, and less likely to have long term relationship than general female population.) I feel it will be more interesting if it become norm for men to choose their partners based on women's peeing position in public. I wonder if Chinese women will lie about their peeing position in public (just like women who lie about their age or men who lie about their income) if peeing position became a criteria for men to find girlfriend or wife. Edited January 26, 2023 by kitty and mimi Link to post
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