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pee experience when you were a kid

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- Back in school I had already stopped using the actual toilets when I had to go and just peed on the floor or walls in the bathroom

- My first (and forever last) gf always peed pretty much everywhere, and we only did proper sexual stuff after quite a while, so the first few times I saw the someone else's genitals, it was pee-related. That 'relationship', despite being something exceptionally fucked in hindsight, might have opened me up to more stuff than just pee btw, since I occasionally tried on her underwear 😼

- On long drives with my family I was never allowed to pee outside, so I had to always go in a bottle. Always stuck my little willy inside of the bottle until it got too large (which was the case surprisingly quickly), so while it lasted the feeling of 'penetrating' something combined with peeing might have influenced me.

- Wetting myself idk how many times as a kid because I wasn't allowed to go anywhere decently might have lowered my inhibitions towards trying it as an adult... and it feels amazing.

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I swear this site is dislodging some core memories...

When I was in grade school, I had this "friend" named Alex. I guess you could call him that, I'm not sure. I do however remember quite alot of pee antics tied to him. One time we were in the bathroom and he wanted to show me how far he could pee into the urinal. He backed up some feet away, nearer to the wall than the urinal, and tried to pee. Obviously no kid has that kind of distance, so he began to pee on the floor. He stopped himself and started pissing in the urinal. At least he tried lol, I did not as I knew my limits and my limit was using a urinal in the first place.

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Peeing outdoors has never been an issue for me or my family, we've always done it, from when we were kids into teens and adulthood and in front of each other if the needed to pee. Our parents were very open about it and  seeing each other genitals seemed quite normal. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Between the ages 7-12 or so, I found the idea of peeing outside really awkward as there was a possibility someone could see me or see my penis (especially embarrassing if it would be a girl who saw it!) I also disliked urinals because of the lack of privacy and having to pee next to other boys.

I have relaxed from those times, though.

Edited by Loller
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I spent my childhood in countryside so it was a pretty common thing to pee outside except me. I was very shy. I would play with my neighbor friends group in the evening at nearby field. So sometimes we used go to pee together outside the field. We had seen each others penis. While peeing mine sometimes used to got stiff which made my friends poke fun at me.

This stopped since some of us had entered puberty and grown hairs down there.

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On 5/22/2022 at 8:06 PM, peecurious94 said:

In pre-school, my mom was frequently called because me and other kids were peeing outside on the playground. My mom was cool about peeing, so she did not care. 

At home, my mom and I were usually naked. We lived out in the country, so no one could really see us, and both of us hated wearing clothes. My mom would let me pee in the house in sinks and tubs. I ventured on my own and peed on the couch, the corner of the living room, and in my closet multiple times. I made half-assed attempts to cover it up, so I am sure my mom noticed, but she did not say anything. 

At my dad's house, he was pretty liberal about clothing, as well, but not so much about peeing. I was often naked, but tried not to push the limits too far with peeing. One day, when my step-sister and I were around 9 years old, asked my dad if we could pee outside for fun. He said he didn't see why not, but if we were going to be naked, he needed to go check to make sure no neighbors could see us. My step sister and I also would regularly pee in our closet and in the corner of our room. Sometimes, we would pee the bed. Whoever was peeing would say "I'm about to go" and just let it flow. 

Those are the main experiences that come to mind. I may add more later! 

Your mom may have not mind you pissing on the floor 

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