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On 3/26/2023 at 1:17 PM, Bacardi said:

Okay if that's the case then I'll use it cause I know you and don't mind you watching me pee 😁

FWIW my inclination would B to hope such a structure (while I was inside) would be making me an Internet-star unawares. YMMV & 'salright too!

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"...Sing, tarry all day; sing, tarry all day..."

"Oh oft I had a naughty dream, My age it was 'bout ten, And I was naked in a room, I may not ought have been, When I began to Piƒss there, It felt so very fine, I filled that room up to my chin, And all that Pee was mine!"

(original Parody lyrics ©2022 by IdoPiddleSome2 [under my actual name]. All Rights Reserved. Some lefts may be negotiable)

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On 3/27/2024 at 10:00 AM, Foobar said:


To be honest, I would absolutely love to see a video or at least picture of this, it has sparked my curiosity.

The TV Show MYTHBUSTERS addressed the ancient fable of a Swimming-Pool-chemical that would color the pool-water red (reacting to Pee in the water). IIRC they consulted College Chemistry Professors who promised them: any known Chemistry that could DO that--would make the water a worse health-risk than would mass quantities of Pee in it. One of them went into some detail why. Chlorine already in the water would need to be overpowered by the stuff, if it was to stain the pool-water as urban legends claimed.

Could be a lot has changed since that episode was made; I only had 6 semester-hours of (undergrad) Inorganic Chemistry in my (G.I. Bill) College Adventure, so I only retain stuff like what "Organic" & "Inorganic" ACTUALLY mean in such a Classroom. Has nothing to do with "Organic" referring to selling some aging Hippie a bag of wilted lettuce for $$ on the penny; A LOT to do with no METHANE Molecule having even 1 Carbon in it (or that would make Methane Organic & not part of Inorganic Chemistry). (But it's alright, now, in fact it's a gas:^)

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On 5/16/2024 at 11:51 PM, IdoPiddleSome2 said:

The TV Show MYTHBUSTERS addressed the ancient fable of a Swimming-Pool-chemical that would color the pool-water red (reacting to Pee in the water). IIRC they consulted College Chemistry Professors who promised them: any known Chemistry that could DO that--would make the water a worse health-risk than would mass quantities of Pee in it. One of them went into some detail why. Chlorine already in the water would need to be overpowered by the stuff, if it was to stain the pool-water as urban legends claimed.

Could be a lot has changed since that episode was made; I only had 6 semester-hours of (undergrad) Inorganic Chemistry in my (G.I. Bill) College Adventure, so I only retain stuff like what "Organic" & "Inorganic" ACTUALLY mean in such a Classroom. Has nothing to do with "Organic" referring to selling some aging Hippie a bag of wilted lettuce for $$ on the penny; A LOT to do with no METHANE Molecule having even 1 Carbon in it (or that would make Methane Organic & not part of Inorganic Chemistry). (But it's alright, now, in fact it's a gas:^)

She's not talking about chemicals in the pool though. She's talking about a pill that changes the color of her pee that she was using to treat a UTI

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On 5/17/2024 at 12:51 AM, IdoPiddleSome2 said:

The TV Show MYTHBUSTERS addressed the ancient fable of a Swimming-Pool-chemical that would color the pool-water red (reacting to Pee in the water).

Like Alex said, it's not about a chemical in the pool but rather the woman was taking a drug (AZO) that turns your pee orange. Like how vitamin B makes it's neon yellow.

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Re: Pool Water Colors, I'll stand corrected.

Can't really comment on whether I play (sneaking-in a Pool-Pee). Somehow my Prostate Infection in 2002 (& maybe the Induction-Burn-Therapy I received in 2004) did some interesting wiring tricks. Starting later in 2004 I noticed my Nipples & Aureola lighting-up (blushing &/or tumescense) to Tattle on my Playful Bladder. They did it "silently;" I was only aware of it visually; no sensation these newly assigned Piddle-Pilot-Lights were lit otherwise. I took little notice b/c I'm a guy; beyond snapping a few digital pics in case I later felt moved to investigate. But it occurred to me: if sneaking a Pool-Pee had been a thing for me, it woulda been time to quit, w/those things lighting up like brake-lights to give the alarm!

The way my Exhibitionism interacts with my Pee-Love (and women to whom I'm attracted), I'd find it more interesting if those lights of mine started lighting up more often, with or without bona fide Urine Alarm (so I thought). About a day after my Bypass in 2019; still in the first recovery-area, I felt them go off & they were glowing! Was doing my "Birdbath" at the sink, suitably attired, & when they lit it was intense. They went from their usual shade of "nothing-to-see-here" pink, to a shade of Genital-purple I'd never seen them do; standing out as if something unseen was pulling them. So now they don't Tattle secretly any more & my late Wife found it "cute." So I'm inclined to look forward to what's next vice worrying. Wonder if anyone has ever pranked a pool w/food-coloring...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hopefully the caption is not too political. I hope we can all agree that this would be a more fun country if it was normalized.


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On 6/16/2024 at 12:34 PM, Foobar said:

Hopefully the caption is not too political. I hope we can all agree that this would be a more fun country if it was normalized.


Sorry, I don't get it.  The caption has nothing to do with the picture, and I'm not seeing the humor.  This is a famous picture on Vauxhall Bridge (in London) by the British artist Sophy Rickett.  We even have a thread here on Peefans dedicated to her work:  https://peefans.com/topic/828-classic-sophie-rickett

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On 6/19/2024 at 9:38 PM, DXR said:

Sorry, I don't get it.  The caption has nothing to do with the picture, and I'm not seeing the humor.  This is a famous picture on Vauxhall Bridge (in London) by the British artist Sophy Rickett.  We even have a thread here on Peefans dedicated to her work:  https://peefans.com/topic/828-classic-sophie-rickett

That is exactly the joke. There's a lot of images of Iran before the Islamic Revolution circulating social media. This one is pretending that this picture was from there/then, implying it was a normal practice before said revolution, even though obviously the actual origins are from elsewhere.

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