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Hurry Home

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( contains male and female pee scenes)


Jake and Tracy were on the highway heading back to their house. Currently, there was some traffic, but it was moving along fairly well as of now. However, the two were desperate to take a leak sometime soon, hopefully when they arrive home, so they had to sit in the traffic for a bit longer before it cleared up. Now, a rush to the house took place, Jake pushing the pedal as much as he legally could. 3 minutes were taken out before the two arrived. After the car was parked on the driveway, Tracy instantly moved out of it and ran to the front door. Jake followed her, keys in hand. The front door was burst open once unlocked, and the bathroom door quickly saw two desperate beings in front of it. Tracy decided to go first, since she said she was a 18/20, while Jake was a 15/20. Up went the toilet lid, and down went the pants and undies that were situated on Tracy’s lower half. Once sat on the seat, she relaxed. A wide stream of pee began to exit her crotch bits and plummeted into the toilet water. A wave of relief and pleasure hit Tracy as her bladder contents left her. The proud pee spray was diminishing after ten more seconds of good relaxation. A mix of dribbles and spurts went to follow before Tracy was completely done. One last drop leaked out, and the flood gates closed up. A swipe of tp, and Tracy flushed. Now, Jake was ready for his turn. Unzipping and pulling out his tool, a big torrent of yellow liquid flowed out of him and splashed into the water. A similar sensation of relieving relaxation was given as Jake’s pee came out of his swollen member. Once complete, a good shake and a tuck back into the pants signaled the end of the pee time. One flush and hand wash session later, Jake exited the room and joined Tracy on the couch, where they moved close to each other and watched tv. This would be followed by a masterful conclusion in the bedroom, but that’s a story best left unsaid for now.

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