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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. That makes sense, but I would still contend that being an atheist requires greater strength of character than being religious. It is obviously much more comforting to believe that everything in the world is exactly how it was meant to be, that everything has a purpose, and that we have an invisible loving parent who will always take care of us and protect us from harm. I can remember that feeling, because I once had real loving parents who cared for me very much, taught me about things that I didn't know, and protected me from a lot of bad things. Now I am big and ugly enough to
  2. I'd be willing to give up fries for life if I could do this at every burger shop. 😍😋
  3. I have heard some scientific speculation on these kinds of ideas, but I have not heard of anyone devising an experiment to test these hypotheses. A hypothesis is fine, but it does not become knowledge until it is tested in a valid way. On a slightly similar subject, there are some scientists that do good work in their specialised fields, and yet believe in established religions that are profoundly anti-science and anti-reason in many ways. It's as if they have found a way to switch off the reasoning part of their brain when thinking about religious things, and quarantine the t
  4. Good news. Version 66.0.4 got deployed to my PC this morning and the problem is fixed. 🙂
  5. We can be glad that reason and science do not do that, but freely admit that our knowledge is not complete. Absolutely. I admire the way you treat everyone with respect, regardless of their viewpoint. True, but using this lack of knowledge to declare an unlikely fantasy to be true is a logical fallacy. It even has a name: "God of the gaps". You can summarise it as "Everything we don't understand yet, happened because God did it." Thus, some people used to believe that the sound of thunder was "Mighty god Thor, forging metal with his mighty hammer in his great wo
  6. My broken version is 66.0.3. I agree, they went completely insane with updates and version numbers. It's still one of the best browsers, but they drive people insane with breaking stuff all the time.
  7. I can confirm that this does not work with the regular build. I tried setting it just in case, but my version of Firefox just ignored it. I'm going to wait for the patch rather than re-installing firefox with the developer version.
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