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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I hate when they cannot decide how they are going to pee and keep changing positions. Standing? Squatting? Make up your mind and just stick with it. This could have been a great video if she just kept still. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Cute-USA-girl-pee-on-the-road
  2. Definitely cycling! I used to represent my school at the 100m hurdles and I enjoyed cross country running but since leaving school I have discovered cycling and I absolutely love it. I find it so much more relaxing and I enjoy being able to easily explore and visit different places. I still enjoy running but not nearly as much as cycling.
  3. Not really. I very much prefer it to be natural, to feel the connection with my husband, and I rather like the feeling of him cumming inside of me. I use birth control but I haven't used condoms in a very long time. I'm happily married, why would I?
  4. Not quite what you are after?
  5. I'm aged 30 - 39 and can full squat with little difficulty but I actually prefer to squat on my toes.
  6. Thank you for doing this Goose and sticking with it. It's a wonderful idea!
  7. I think it's likely because they have moved on from a hole in the ground to more sophisticated options.
  8. I climbed out of bed earlier and as I walked into the ensuite bathroom I felt the need to pee. I never wake up needing to go, it's always once I've stood up. Since I was about to have a shower anyway I skipped the toilet entirely. I stepped into the shower, began washing myself and about a minute later I started peeing, just letting it flow down my legs. I went for quite a while and once I finished I wiped myself with a soapy hand and finished cleaning myself.
  9. Sophie


    A couple of times a week. I tend to look at photos more than watch videos. I'm not addicted, I could quite easily go without. I don't care at all if my partner watches porn. In fact, we often watch it together. I have a memory stick with some of our favourite videos and we will watch them on the TV in the bedroom. I have thought of going into porn but I don't think I'd like it. I would feel really sexy but I'm too camera shy and too self conscious.
  10. I really love this series, I could imagine the girls in their predicament and it has given me a naughty idea of something I want to try. My only complaint is that there are a lot of spelling mistakes in the stories. Can I please suggest that you proof read your stories or possibly find someone to do it? But overall, very hot series! It's made me want to masturbate 😉
  11. I was sat with everyone again and I got up for a wee. I told everyone where I was going and Nicola said "Don't forget to lock the door this time" with a wink. I nearly wet myself laughing! It was such a small thing but it really set me off.
  12. Yes it happened in an instant lol. One moment I'm happily on my own, the next moment Nicola is stood there! We have known each other since school and peed in front of each other many, many times.
  13. Thank you 🙂 My stream kept flowing the whole time. If the door had opened slowly I would have clamped it off but the door flew open. After seeing who was on the other side I didn't mind and just let it flow!
  14. If it was her husband I would have been bright red and I'd probably struggle to start peeing again when he left.
  15. When I am at home I always close the bathroom door but I never lock it, I haven't since I was a teenager. That habit bit me a few minutes ago! I am staying at a friend's farm with my husband and daughters. We had been relaxing in the lounge, talking, laughing and generally having a good time. My friend, Nicola, went upstairs to find something and since I had been needing a wee for a while I decided to use the opportunity to go to the loo. I didn't want to be jiggling around when looking at what she was showing me. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the toilet, flipping up the
  16. I went for a little bike ride today around my friends farm with her daughter and my two daughters. We did about 10 miles at a leisurely pace and it was actually really enjoyable, just rolling along and talking about everything from sweets to our favourite colour of tractor and everything in-between!
  17. I know it is hard but try to keep motivated! You can do it!
  18. Heya, I'm sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. If I was shrunken to the size of an ant I would explore! Imagine all the places you could go to and get into! I think I would find some amazing things.
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