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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. One of the girls in security where my husband works is really curvy and incredibly busty. Like if she was sat down at her desk her boobs would be sat on top of the table. Absolutely gorgeous though, blonde hair always in a ponytail, glasses, beautiful smile, sleeve on her arm. I've only met her once (husband forgot something and I had to drop it off) and I was very surprised when she casually mentioned not being able to go through the security turnstiles sideways because of her boobs. She has to use the gate instead. 😮
  2. In a similar vein, my friend once peed on a moth! She was camping with friends one night and squatted to pee. Mid stream a moth flew underneath her and got a little wet!
  3. My husband tells me that he has these in the urinals at work and they smell quite nice (and strong) at first. They work great for reducing the splashback. They used to have the orange ones and a couple of weeks ago they changed to purple.
  4. Today at work I had to sit in on a colleagues class as part of a teacher review. She was teaching her pupils about singing and at the end she sang this for them. She gave it 110% effort and I could really see she was singing from her heart. I actually teared up a little. It was so beautiful.
  5. Thank you! I am not sure if I will document the rest because of how long it has been, I still remember it well but it has been a while. I'm not going to rule it out but I don't want to make any promises either.
  6. When I pee myself, 99% of the time it is intentional and on purpose. At first I feel excitement, anticipation of what to come, all the desperation and holding and build up is about to culminate in this very special moment. I get an extra special burst of excitement, a tingle as my body relaxes and I start peeing, quickly followed by "Ohhh this feels SO good!" as I feel a mixture of relief and the warm wetness spreading across my clothes. Next up is naughtiness as it sets in what I am doing. I could have sat down on the toilet, I could have taken off my clothes or moved them away but no, I am b
  7. In this case I think it would be perfectly fine to make a new topic for each chapter.
  8. I also have a speech impediment. I cannot create the "th" sound. Thread - Fred Three - Free People must fink I'm fick!
  9. I've had to give a sample for a medical reason and I didn't find it sexy, but I don't enjoy peeing in containers anyway so I never would enjoy it. I knew I needed to give the sample (it had been discussed previously) and I was instructed to arrive needing to pee but it had to be natural, I couldn't drink lots of water beforehand. I found it strange I had to go to the clinic for this instead of just peeing at home. I was given a cup which was much, much smaller than I expected, maybe 150ml and I was directed to a single unisex bathroom. I locked the door behind me and walked over to the t
  10. I like things to be on a schedule. I do things in 30 minutes segments. Going to bed? Needs to be at XX:00 or XX:30. XX:37? Guess I'm staying up a little longer! If a volume setting is represented by a number it must be a multiple of 5. My TV is on 10, my sound system upstairs is 25. Seeing it set to 12 for example makes me uncomfortable. When I am stressed I play with my hair a lot and bite my lip. If I am angry I get a twitch in my right eye. I get incredibly attached over inanimate objects. I've burst into tears because the zip on my backpack broke. I have cried because I h
  11. Sophie


    I have an interest in hobbyist electronics, 3D printing and programming. To relax at home I enjoy playing video games and I love cycling. I also have an interest in hobbyist machining but my equipment is very basic. My main hobby is music, particularly playing the piano. I have been playing since I was 6 years old and I cannot imagine life without it.
  12. I used to browse incognito but then I'd have a issue with login and I would not be able to access my account for 15 minutes. I made a topic about it a while back.
  13. Deleted all login details and reentered them using Chrome's built in manager and I am having the same issue. How bizarre!
  14. That appears to be the issue. Typing in my details works fine, but using auto fill causes the error. I don't know why though, I have been doing it this way for years.
  15. I don't believe it is my internet connection, I can repeat the issue consistently.
  16. When I login to PeeFans I am met with an error. I am still signed in and once returning to the homepage everything is fine so it is a minor inconvenience at worst. Chrome on my Android tablet. Tried in incognito mode also with the same issue / error code. Have not tried on desktop yet. This is from the homepage so it is not like I am trying to access somewhere I do not have permission to.
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