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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Is this the sort of thing you are after?
  2. I agree with everything said above so I won't repeat that. I absolutely hate the same repetitive thing that porn stars do when they are trying to be sexy, It's a huge turn off but i don't even know how to describe it. It's like they awkwardly rub themselves all over, and suck air through their teeth and pull that face... oh I hate that face so much. Like breathing with their mouths wide open, over and over and over. Is it supposed to be a moan? Is it supposed to be sexy? Close your bloody mouth!
  3. Not while I was extremely full, no.
  4. What is something that most people can do, but you can not? For example, I cannot blow bubbles with chewing gum.
  5. I could not agree more! In the past I have said it's like finally putting down a heavy object after holding it for a while.
  6. Did you know I was actually desperate during the 2022 Golden Stream Awards ceremony? I needed to pee as I was typing up the posts for the ceremony, and over the hour it took me to make all the posts I became increasingly more desperate. It was so hard to use a laptop while my leg was bouncing. By the end of it I was bursting! As soon as I hit send on the final post I ran upstairs to the bathroom. As I was scrambling across the landing my bladder let go, a trickle of wee quickly soaking my pink briefs I was wearing underneath my tight jeans. I stepped into the shower and just let it h
  7. I went out on my bike with my daughter this morning. We were on hybrids, no bike computers, no lycra, no plans. The only goal was to ride and have fun. We were out for around two hours and I think it was the most fun I have had in years. We spent most of the time in a deserted Tesco car park just having fun, doing the things I did when I was her age nearly 20 years ago. Riding through puddles, pulling wheelies, hopping off kerbs, racing each other up and down the straight, riding no handed (She can do it now!). It was amazing doing the things I normally wouldn't be able to because of cars and
  8. Fantastic Chrissy! Thank you for sharing ❤️ (Just let me know if you want the title changing at any point)
  9. This made me chuckle 😁 It doesn't matter if you have done 2.7 miles or 27 miles. Getting out there is what counts!
  10. Thank you for running this @gldenwetgoose and @Kupar !
  11. and finally, I would like to say a few thank yous. I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of PeeFans, thank you for helping grow and maintain this incredible community. Whether you post a thousand times a year, or if you don't post at all and just enjoy reading, the site wouldn't be the same without you. I would like to thank my fellow moderators @Scot_Lover and @gldenwetgoose for their assistance in helping keep the forum clean and tidy. It is often a thankless job but also incredibly important. Thank you for all the work you do behind the scenes and for volunteering
  12. Last but not least is Wettest Member! That will be me as soon as these awards are done. You didn't think I was going to sit on the toilet like a good girl did you? Oh no, I am going to completely wet myself! Anyway, enough about me. This category is for the wettest member. What that means nobody really knows, I'll let you decide what the wettest means. It could be the person who enjoys wetting themselves the most, or peeing the most, or something completely different! Our nominees are - Sophie, MissAutumn, Puddyls, James_erased and MidoriLemonade85. Good luck! and the winner is... @puddyl
  13. Only two categories left but no less valued or important! Next up is Best Newcomer! It is always nice seeing new faces on the forum, watching them find their feet and become well known and deeply valued members of the community. Some fit in so well you would never believe they joined only a few months ago. Like I have said, without our members this community just wouldn't exist. Thank you for signing up! Our nominees are - Lucylovestoholdherpee, LovesToWet, Takashi96, RainyDay and Madelyn. Good luck! And the winner is... @Lucylovestoholdherpee ! You joined in March and since then have mad
  14. Can I have a wee yet? Oh pretty please! I will only be a minute and it is so unprofessional of me to be squirming like this! No? Aww you're so mean! We have had the best fictional writer, now it is time for Best Real Story! This category applies to anyone who has shared a real story, whether that is a sighting they have been lucky enough to see, or an account of something they did first hand. I always enjoy the true stories, I can relate to them and put myself in the authors shoes. I have submitted a few myself, I hope you enjoy them! Our nominees are - Alfresco, peecurious94, JDG, gldenw
  15. While some people are visual and enjoy a photo or video, others prefer their material to be written. It is time for Best Fictional Writer! This category is for the incredibly talented members who are able to take an idea in their head, and then paint a picture with words. It is amazing how a story can transport you to another world, and how you can cause so much arousal with a few words. The pen really is mightier than the sword. Our nominees are - Gotah, Steve25805, Paulypeeps, Kupar, wetwulf, Broccoli and jmatthews1995. Good luck! And the winner is - @Gotah! The PeeFans community has de
  16. We have had the best picture contributor, now it is time for the Best Video Contributor. I suppose they are similar in a way, videos are just lots of pictures moving very quickly right? This category is for the members who have been kind enough to share the videos they have found online, or have been brave enough to record for us and let us see. I don't know how they do it, I would be far too shy! The nominees are - Weteric, colette888, Lucylovestoholdherpee, LovesToWet, Ozabot, Daniel_defo and Alan-P. Good luck guys! And the winner is... @Ozabot! Yes... yes I can see why you won this awa
  17. Next up is Best Picture Contributor. Some of our members decide to compliment us with lots and lots of lovely photos. Whether that is ones they have found online, or perhaps they are brave enough to share photos of themselves! All contributions are welcome and I cannot thank you enough. Our nominees are - Zorba3189, Ozabot, Puddyls, Barbieoxo, Steve25805, WetDreamer and Malika. All worthy winners in my eyes. Good luck! And the winner is... @puddyls ! I cannot argue with this decision, we are so privileged to see the photos you so kindly share with us, and they are so intimate and sexy too
  18. Oh I wish I didn't set that little challenge, I need a wee so bad! Surely a little leak is okay, right? No Sophie, you're a big girl, hold on! The first category is Best Forum Contributor. Our wonderful members have been contributing to the forum in many ways and they are all equally recognised. Whether that is through pictures, videos, stories, chatting, moderation or just being an awesome person, I thank you. Without a community this site would just be an empty husk, it's you that makes PeeFans as amazing as it is. Thank you so much. Our nominees are - Kupar, Peenicks, Bacardi, Gldenwet
  19. Hello! Hello! Please come in, it's cold outside. Take a seat! Plenty of refreshments are available. Welcome to the annual Golden Stream Awards! Over the last twelve months you beautiful people have been using, posting, and contributing to the site in various ways and these awards are a way to say thank you and showcase that! I would like to say a great big thank you to everyone who has nominated and voted this month. I will admit I was a little nervous at the start but you haven't let me down! Each winner of these awards will win the coveted Golden Streams trophy! Isn't it beautiful?
  20. This is stuck in my head so it's only fair you suffer with me 😝
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