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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. You can interpret the question however you like, that's what I like about it. So if you want the horses to retain their speed, go ahead! 😀
  2. As is tradition by this point - Would you rather fight a horse sized suck, or one hundred duck sized horses?
  3. I'm keeping this one private for a special friend I'm afraid, sorry!
  4. New Years Day, I had a wee outside in the middle of my garden, squatting over the grass with my jeans pulled down, heavily overlooked by my neighbours. I am hoping to have another outdoor wee this weekend, but in the city rather than at home.
  5. I have this set to record tonight. I hope the shower peeing conversation is in this episode!
  6. I would just like to add on to what @gldenwetgoose has said. We have been discussing this in the staff room for a while now, and we fully understand what you are saying. The reason things are taking so long is because we want to do it right, and we don't want to upset anyone by rushing into things and not seeing the bigger picture. But please rest assured we are aware of this and are trying to find a proper solution.
  7. YES! Everyone needs a Wilson. I do like Irn Bru! But I never buy it for some reason. I like it, I know I like it, but I will always buy something else and I don't know why.
  8. If I had to pee on someone other than my husband it would be Jennifer Lawrence. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I am pretty sure she has a pee kink so if I am going to pee on someone, it might as well be a situation we would both enjoy. Heck, I might even let her pee on me! I'd definitely want to wrestle a crocodile. They are good at clamping down with their jaws but not so good with opening them, so all I have to do is climb on his back and hold his mush shut. A gorilla however? I don't think I could win that no matter what, unless it's a guy in a suit.
  9. Ooh this is a tricky one. My favourite quote ever is from Chicken Run - "I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy" but it is rare I have the opportunity to quote it in everyday conversation. The movie quote I probably use the most is "Two minutes, Turkish" from Snatch. I use it all the time at home, instead of "I'll be there in a minute" or whatever, it is "Two minutes, Turkish"
  10. First thing I will do is freak out and probably cry Second thing is I will make a shelter Third thing would be to find food. I'd hope to have with me a knife and maybe something to keep me occupied? Perhaps a volleyball!
  11. Does anybody want to ask me anything?
  12. Would you rather fight a horse sized duck? or 100 duck sizes horses?
  13. Welcome to PeeFans! Please start by reading the forum rules, particularly rule 8. Thank you. https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/ Just let me know if you have any questions about using the site.
  14. Would you rather fight one horse sized duck, or one hundred duck sized horses?
  15. I will be honest, this is a huge fantasy of mine. I have written stories featuring a similar setup (I'm actually in the process of one now) and I would LOVE to watch a beautiful woman have a wee on a clear toilet. I think I would only use one myself if I had an audience. On my own I wouldn't get much from it.
  16. Yes! Women hover because the seat is covered in pee, but the seat is covered in pee because they hover!! If the toilet is visibly clean, I will sit, no matter what I am wearing or how urgent it is. and let's be honest, why would you hover when bursting? It takes milliseconds to descend that extra foot or two.
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