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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. 41 years. I've been a bad girl...
  2. Poor girl has been skewered 😞
  3. Awww you guys!! Thank you so much for your wonderful, lovely comments! I appreciate all of them but I would like to reply to a select few. I don't think he realised just what effect being desperate had on me, and how much it turned me on. The feelings definitely continued after he'd gone. I felt so sexy just walking around the house. I have masturbated a couple of times thinking of the situation, including once while writing up the story! That's partly why it has taken a couple of days. I started writing, then got distracted and had an orgasm instead. I would have loved a litt
  4. Oh it is just the best feeling ever. As soon as my butt hits the seat I just relax and let it all out. Because I am sitting i don't have to worry about anything. I don't have to aim, I don't have to worry about being caught, I don't even have to worry about what my stream is doing. If it is hitting my thigh or running off my backside that's perfectly fine, it's all going in the toilet and I will clean up afterwards. The only thing that matters at that moment is emptying my poor aching bladder.
  5. You know... now I think about it, I've never seen my BIL and Batman in the same ro....omg... MY BROTHER IN LAW IS BATMAN!!
  6. @gldenwetgoose @HitEmAll @REBob https://peefans.com/topic/25548-desperate-in-front-of-the-plumber/
  7. My boiler broke this weekend! A plumber came over on Sunday to give me a quote for a new one, and some other work I wanted doing while he was at it, and I decided to have a little fun with it. I was feeling really naughty and I loved the idea of being very visibly desperate in front of him. To make things even more exciting, @gldenwetgoose set me a little mission. I had to tell him I was bursting for a wee! I knew he was arriving Sunday evening so I made sure to start filling up nice and early. When he text me to say he was on his way I was at a 7/10, with 11 being peeing uncontrollably. He sh
  8. @Havelock Yeah I think I would still do it out of convenience. I started carrying tissues with me as a young teen because I would always be caught short when using public toilets. It just stuck with me as I got older and started peeing outdoors more and more. I carry them because they are handy for so many things, not necessarily because I plan on peeing outside.
  9. I've given it some thought and I have found my ultimate passion killer. I enjoy watching videos produced by Dane Jones. They are just so beautiful. For example - https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c66d850c33de HOWEVER... One of the actors who frequently appear in their videos (I won't be specific for security reasons) looks so much like my brother in law! Like the only thing convincing me they are different people is the actor has tattoos.
  10. Thank you! I had a packet of Kleenex in my trouser pocket so I would have been okay, but if I had somehow lost or forgotten them I would have asked my neighbour for some tissue. If I was alone however? Definitely drip dry, I'm not going to attempt the semi naked shuffle to the next stall.
  11. I seem to retain the most useless or random information and I am sure something really important has been pushed out of my ear as a result. For example, I can remember the barcode for a Creme Egg (50201600) I have never worked in retail and I don't even like Creme Eggs yet here we are. I can remember the door entry code for my school that I haven't been to since the early 2000's. The building was demolished years ago, the door doesn't even exist anymore, but I can still remember C2743Z
  12. Thank you SO MUCH for the replies and feedback everyone. I was worried people would find a toilet wee story a little...boring? Mundane? but you have convinced me otherwise. I'll definitely post more in the future.
  13. It's a parent's job to embarrass their kids, everyone knows that! Awesome story Chrissy. Very beautiful and sweet while also being arousing at the same time. I love the way you write. (and yes, that feeling is unbeatable!)
  14. Just to give everyone an idea. I'd say I am an 7 out of 10, with 10 being right on the limit of wetting myself. 11 would be a flood.
  15. Just had a text message - "Just on my way now"
  16. I'm not going to try and conceal it, not fully anyway. It might take a while but the thought keeps popping in my head of me saying "Can I just quickly use the loo? I'll only be a minute" and it really excites me.
  17. I need a wee! I am expecting someone round later to give me a quote for a boiler and while I could sit on the toilet and get someone to answer the door while I get my relief. I am really excited at the thought of him seeing me visibly desperate for a wee. I am not bursting but I am definitely desperate and would sit on the toilet if I didn't have other plans. I'll keep you updated!
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