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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I've been going to the wrong weddings!!
  2. I think @Kupar might appreciate this one.
  3. I know it's an advert and Virgin, and beardy Branson and all that but... this makes me smile everytime I see it.
  4. Do you finish in one go? Let me explain – Usually when I pee, my stream starts and I go for about 20-30 seconds before it slows to drips and I am done, I am empty. My friend however always stops and starts at the end, she never fully empties her bladder in one go. She will sit, pee and then as she is getting some toilet paper she will push out the last few dribbles. Sometimes it’s just a little dribble, other times it is a few seconds of a proper stream.. She says it’s a conscious decision. She knows she isn’t fully empty so she deliberately pushes out a little more.
  5. The private chat in the corner of the page? That is a gold member feature.
  6. Right above your post... https://peefans.com/topic/6261-mainstream-movies-with-pee-scenes/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-346968
  7. I masturbated last night before I went to bed. It wasn't to a video however, it was to a story posted on this forum, written by @Chrissy89 (I know you're blushing, sorry hun!) https://peefans.com/topic/25585-date-night/
  8. My oh my Chrissy. I am LOST for words! That was both incredibly wonderful to read and also extremely arousing. Thank you so much for sharing!!!! I am so so so happy for you!! I might need to dig out my handcuffs ...
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