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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I would LOVE to pee with you 🙂 Both of us squatting together. Oh it would be so lovely.
  2. It is 🙂 There's a triathlon near me at the end of April, half marathon in June. There are some opportunities, especially with the half marathon. The triathlon starts with a pool swim so people use the toilets at the leisure center, the half marathon starts in a car park right next to a heavily wooded area. There are some toilets there, but not many.
  3. I want to pee outdoors with a group of women I don't know. Have you ever seen those videos at festivals where women will pee in the trees or a grass field or something? Not actually knowing each other, but all accepting this is now a makeshift toilet. Yeah, I want to do that, I really want to do that. I'm sure there are more, but my mind is blank at the moment. If I think of them, I'll let you know!
  4. I'll be perfectly honest, I am not a fan of tights. I will wear them if I have to and my legs are cold, but I really don't like them. There might have been an occasion where I have had an accident while wearing tights but I don't recall any. Sorry!
  5. Just to expand on this a little. (Sorry!) When I solve cubes, I don't actually think about the moves I am doing. It is entirely muscle memory. For example, I don't think "U R U' R' U' F' U F" I just think "Okay, this piece needs to go here" and when the pieces are a different shape or something, it completely throws me off. Since I don't actually remember the moves, if my muscle memory is compromised it is like I don't know how to solve a cube. With my mirror cube, all the pieces look the same colour wise, but are different shapes. The amount of times I completely mess up a simple move I have
  6. I just solve for fun really. I started trying to go for speed with the 3x3 (DaYan ZhanChi) but I never really had the commitment to keep practicing for hours at a time. I timed myself with a Skewb for a while, just for the fun of it with a Python script I wrote. Nothing particularly exciting or difficult I am afraid. Here is a photo of my collection, I can solve all of them. I started with the ZhanChi, (3X3 on left), then bought the Lingpo (2x2), the 4x4 was a Christmas present a few years ago, then I bought the other 3x3 (Guanlong), then the Skewb, then the mirror cube and the 5X5 wa
  7. I'm not really a fan of shape mods. I really struggle with solving them and my muscle memory goes to pot, it's like I have to learn how to solve all over again. I don't find them fun, I just find them frustrating
  8. Nope! My rear is a one way street and it's exit only I'm afraid!
  9. Ooh I love this question. Hmmm... I would like a M35 "Deuce and a half", I've thought they were awesome for years but I don't know why I want one. They're too big, too loud and too impracticable But it's a whopping big truck! Another vehicle I want is a digger of some sort, Something full size. I have no use for it really but I really want to dig a hole lol. They look so much fun. I know I could go to diggerland but I want one for myself. The third and final vehicle would be a plane, just something small like a little Cessna or something. I could go anywhere, maybe h
  10. I have a couple of ways I like to be tied, and it all depends on what mood I am in and what we are doing. If my husband is teasing me for an eternity with a vibrator or something I like to be tied by each ankle to a bedpost, and my hands tied at the wrists to the headboard. I always want to give myself that one little touch to push me over the edge into orgasm and with how I am tied, I can't even squeeze my legs together! Otherwise, I like to be tied with my hands behind my back, wrists together and a rope around my upper arms, my legs tied at the thighs, again just below the knee and onc
  11. Yeah I'm just as bad of an influence on guys. I wouldn't encourage them to pee off the platform though. But peeing in a corner out of the way somewhere? Absolutely! I wouldn't try to catch a glimpse, I think everyone deserves their privacy. I like the idea of squatting next to a male friend on a train platform, both of us peeing but I know I would be way too shy. I've never encountered them so I can't really comment. If it was a bathroom with a toilet stall next to the urinal I don't think I would want to use it, like if a stranger could be peeing in the urinal while I'm in the
  12. What is that one thing you have always wanted to ask me? No matter how weird, or how sexual? Ask me anything. From pee, to sex, to films, to anything else. Give me your best shot!
  13. I think it is photoshopped. Her eyes aren't even close to her face!
  14. I wasn't going to.... but now you mention it! I'll see what I can do. Not making any promises, but I'll see.
  15. I think that's what it was. I had no idea what his stream was about to do. So I didn't compensate for the pressure dying away, and then he pushed and it almost splashed the back of the seat as a result. I like the idea of blindfolding Mark and maybe tying his hands just to see what chaos ensues!
  16. HOW DO YOU GUYS AIM THIS THING?! I held my husband this morning and it was a disaster! First of all it started out more of a spray than a stream, darting in every direction. Mark took my hand and did something to make it straighten out and then when it moved to the left I over corrected and peed over the seat (why didn't I lift it up??). His stream just seemed to have a mind of its own, it took me three attempts just to get it consistently in the toilet. By the time we had finished the seat was soaked, my hand was covered in pee, his jeans had splashes, the floor had splashes. I think mor
  17. Sophie


    Sierra from FTV Girls, not sure of her last name. Sorry.
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