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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I'll be honest, I don't like having sex on my period. I might have done it once or twice in my life but it is not something that appeals to me. I'm not squeamish around blood either but I just find it a little bit gross. A bit icky. And really, when it's my period I don't want sex. I want cuddles, chocolate and a hot water bottle.
  2. If there was a "Random sexy guys" I'd post him there too. and I have to admit, Yvonne is very beautiful and I admire her bravery to model that underwear. LTTSTORE.COM
  3. I arrived home from work today absolutely bursting for a wee, I had been holding myself on the drive home, having not been for 4 hours and having finished a bottle of water! I managed to make it to my house dry, parked my car and dashed to the house. As I was fumbling trying to get my key in the door a large spurt of wee jetted into my thong, it was enough for me to feel it on my thighs and I knew I was in trouble. I unlocked the door, kicked off my heels, tossed the keys on the floor and ran upstairs. I burst into the bathroom and as I went to unfasten my trousers my bladder decided it had wa
  4. @lemonade drinker Please stop.
  5. I just typed supercalifragilisticexpialidocious into Google... AND I SPELLED IT RIGHT!
  6. Yeah, just a cheap responsive yoyo. To be honest, it was the first time I actually learned how to do it! I had one when I was a young girl but it had a clutch so that was cheating.
  7. You are very welcome 🙂 Always happy to talk about cubing! I throw occasionally, I bought it on a whim a couple of years ago when I had my first Covid jab. It's mostly just something to keep me occupied in my study when waiting for my computer to boot up, or I'm trying to figure something out. I'd say my skill level is as beginner as they get, I can make it sleep and return but that's about it. I started learning a bind and can do it occasionally but it's not really something I've put much effort in. I would like to get another yoyo, something a little lighter and not made of metal! There
  8. I completely agree. What I really like are the photos clearly taken minutes apart. The ones where you can see her clothes in a pile in the background.
  9. She's so incredibly beautiful! I'm not a fan of the gloves but that's just me. It's a shame she has the one piece underneath her dress!
  10. Nothing bad happened, I just lost motivation to write, I wasn't enjoying it any more and it began to feel like work. I figured instead of forcing myself to write and ending up with a poor account and making myself miserable, it was better to just stop.
  11. Yes please! You, Bacardi, myself, all squatting next to each other!
  12. I have no problems peeing in front of my female friends, I will happily sit on the toilet in front of them, or squat next to them outdoors in the woods or an alley somewhere. Male friends is a different story. I think there has only been one situation where I have peed where a male friend could see me, and even then it was an emergency and I did everything I could to keep myself hidden. Finding the quietest corner, pulling down my clothes just enough to go, staying squatted while pulling them up / down. When I went camping with friends, male and female, the guys would walk maybe 10-2
  13. To be honest, it was nearly a month and a half ago and I really can't remember if I had a wee in an alley. Since I can't remember it I don't think I did it.
  14. With a guy, I prefer to lead but with a lady, I prefer to be seduced. Is that strange? There's just something so indescribably sexy about a beautiful woman taking the lead, knowing exactly what she wants, lust shining bright in her eyes. Just this silent communication of "I want to make you cum, don't stop me". I just love this uncontrollable urge of not being able to hold back anymore, and needing to get down to business. It just makes me feel so beautiful and sexy, knowing I have that effect on her. However... with a former girlfriend it was the opposite. She was really shy and liked to
  15. I do. She's a few years younger than me, a pain in the arse at times but I love her very dearly. Wouldn't change her for the world.
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