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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Hysterical Literature? I posted a video in the reply you quoted. 🙂
  2. The community has since closed down. Sorry.
  3. It's Sophie, please. Sophie. You are welcome. It depends on what I am doing really. If I'm just relaxing and not really doing anything I will get up and go to the toilet, but if I am busy with something, especially if it has a definitive end I will often hold it and squirm and dance. For example, if I am sat on the sofa watching TV I will get up and go to the toilet, depending on what I am watching I might not even wait until an ad break. If I am sat doing things for work and I have 30 books to mark, I will hold it until I have finished those 30 books. If I am in bed I will jigg
  4. I'm not surprised that I married a guy, some of my friends were, but not me. I knew I liked both genders so I didn't rule out marrying a man. When my husband proposed, heck, when we were dating, my sexuality never really made much impact on anything. I loved him, the fact he was male was irrelevant.
  5. Short answer - Whatever is connected to my lover. Long answer - I don't think there is an ideal size. I have only slept with one guy so I cannot speak from experience, but from talking with my friends they have all told me the best sex they have had hasn't necessarily been from the guy who is the largest, or the guy who is XYZ size. There is no perfect penis. They have had just as much fun or even more fun with a smaller guy than a larger guy. My husband isn't the largest, or the widest, or the biggest show-er or whatever, but damn does he feel good inside me. I don't have a single c
  6. Oh I am so jealous of you! Smoking hot story Chrissy! I wish I was there.
  7. Yes that's true 🙂 While growing up and at school I only liked girls, very specific girls at that but I never liked boys. I mean I was friends with them but I never saw it as anything else, even when I was in my mid teens and all my friends were getting boyfriends and snogging in the school corridors, I just didn't have the attraction. It was when I was at university and going out with friends that I found a guy attractive, just one guy but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had the same feelings when I saw him that I got when I saw a cute girl. For the first time in my life, I wanted to kiss a
  8. Do you just inflate and inflate? or does it come out of the um... other end?
  9. I did many times when I was young, I was a chronic bedwetter right up to my early teens but I am sure that's not what you are asking. As an adult? It hasn't happened. When in bed I am generally okay, I can lay there and jiggle about for ages. But as soon as I get out of bed it is a very different story. There has been so many times I've nearly wet myself while getting dressed, and even occasions where I have had to abandon the clothes and run to the bathroom either fully naked, or semi naked. Several times! Here's a couple of examples :- https://peefans.com/topic/19476-clas
  10. Sophie


    I adore Keeley! I spent many a night masturbating to her photos in her early modelling days.
  11. Trimmed short 🙂 I don't mind completely smooth so much but I do prefer it trimmed short nice and tidy. I'm not a fan of pulling off his boxers and being met with an afro.
  12. Just a demonstration, I'm far too shy to post a photo of myself! Sorry!
  13. I assume you are asking how I style myself downstairs?
  14. or we fixed it... and we don't know how!
  15. I prefer thongs, I'd say 90% of my "everyday" underwear is thongs. They're comfy, you don't have visible panty lines, they're pretty or they're sexy. What is not to like? With leggings I like them to be dark, so usually black or navy. My favourite colour for underwear is pink, a LOT (75%) of my underwear is pink. I also really really like white. I have panties in every colour really, it depends on what mood I am in and what I'm going for. (For the record, I am currently wearing a pink thong!)
  16. I've slept with a handful of girls. Most of them have been slim except for one, my first girlfriend. She wasn't fat, but she was curvy. Big breasts, wide hips, very beautiful.
  17. You're welcome. I should add, I'm only speaking for myself here. Other women might (and probably will) be different.
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