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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Definitely a bullet vibe, either the one I mentioned above or another brand. They are small and easy to use (usually just an on/off button), not intimidating, not complicated but still *very* pleasurable! And bullet vibes are perfect for clit stimulation.
  2. I've peed in the showers at the swimming pool through my swimsuit if that counts? I don't think I've ever peed through my bikini at a beach without going into the water, I'd be too worried about sand sticking to it in a very obvious way. I have pulled my bikini down or aside and peed on the beach many times though.
  3. Alright @Trevis can we please not turn this into 20 questions?
  4. Yeah I took off the board and squatted alongside it. People have probably seen me but it hasn't been super close up. They will have known what I am doing but they wouldn't have actually seen anything if that makes sense.
  5. Sorry to keep you waiting for a response! When I do this I like to wear something really thin, like a mesh thong or lace. Something that will dry quickly. And if I am going to drive home I make sure I will be able to get inside and get changed without being seen. I'll be honest, it's not often I do it in public. If I am wetting myself through my skirt, 90% of the time it is at home on my own toilet and I can just go into my bedroom to get changed.
  6. Today, the community has made me smile. PeeFans has so many wonderful, kind, compassionate and caring members and it really warms my heart. If you mention there is something wrong and you are feeling a little down, without a seconds hesitation multiple people are right there for you, offering hugs, support and just a listening ear. We really are like a family. We are not just group of people with a common interest. There are many members here who I would proudly call my friends in real life. Thank you for being so amazing PeeFans!
  7. I use several. I have a Tracey Cox Supersex Bullet Vibrator A Lovenese Lush A Pipedream Icicles No 4 (Glass!!) with detachable vibrator and a Lovehoney Silencer
  8. Please stop making duplicate topics. https://peefans.com/topic/26004-desperate/ Locked
  9. Can I add to this, please? I don't ski, but I do snowboard. When I have been on the slopes and needed to pee badly, and either couldn't wait or just didn't want to I would find somewhere quiet on the edge of the slope, pull down my clothes and get into a deep squat. I'd pee and after a quick shake of my hips I would pull up my clothes and carry on like nothing happened.
  10. Yes I have done that before.
  11. Yes. It was close, but I made it.
  12. I think I understand what you are asking, and it is very situational dependent so I am going to answer it a couple of times if that's okay? Let's say I am at work, or some public toilets somewhere. I've just walked into the ladies, locked the stall door and as I am hitching up my skirt the floodgates open. If my skirt is already up out of the way and I can very quickly pull down my underwear I will do so and sit down, trying to minimise the damage to my clothes. If I had started peeing a little earlier, perhaps while I was walking (running!) into the ladies, I would probably just lift up
  13. Again, these are thumbnails! When you are saving them can you please find the full size and save that?
  14. It would have to be Caprice on the left. I really like Ariel Piper Fawn (Redhead) but Caprice... oh I love her to bits.
  15. Neither myself or my husband enjoy pee drinking to any degree. So the last thing either of us want is to pee in his mouth.
  16. Yes and no. It depends on the situation. I have fairly recently learned I enjoy the feeling of a full bladder, full but not bursting. It is something I can enjoy on my own with nobody knowing what I am doing. So if it is something I am doing for fun it can make me feel horny sometimes. I feel naughty. But if I am in a situation where I have a full bladder simply because I cannot empty it, I don’t really enjoy it. Usually at that moment I don’t want to be desperate, I just want to pee and carry on with my day. This also depends on the situation for me. If I am fooling around with my hus
  17. For me it is two reasons, the first is safety. If I have my back against the wall nobody can sneak up behind me, I have a good 180 degree view of everything going on around me. The second is privacy. When I am squatting it is quite easy to put yourself in a position where you are not really exposing yourself that much. If someone crouches down and gets to eye level, yeah they will see everything, but people just walking past? At most they will see my puddle and maybe my stream landing between my feet. If I face the wall they will see my ass, standing out like a bright beacon.
  18. Today I learned that drinking about 500ml of water after feeling that "I kinda need to go" twinge, then not going to the toilet before driving home is a bad idea. I also learned it takes roughly 20 minutes for it to reach critical point. I nearly wet myself on my doorstep!
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