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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Another post similar to my previous one - Today I have realised I am surrounded by some really wonderful people at home and at work. The little things really made a difference for me today. A little smile when they see me, a hello or a joke, offering me a chocolate, just the little interactions. It has made me realise there are people who don't know me that well but they still care about me, and try to cheer me up when I am not doing so well. Just the small things has made me truly realise there are good people in the world, and I am not alone. I'm not really sure how to put it into
  2. Do you walk around everywhere with your name on your boob, just in case?
  3. Thank you @gldenwetgoose , I really appreciate you looking out for me. I do know what colour my beautiful butthole is but that is a question too far, and not something I wish to answer. I enjoy being asked and answering questions, and I will answer most things, even about sex or my body, but there is a line (or hole) To anyone still reading this, feel free to ask away! At worst I just won't answer if I am unhappy with the question. Be polite and respectful and it's all good!
  4. Beautiful bike. I have a road bike too but I opt for the hybrid for more casual trips. There's no technology on it at all, not even the cheapest of the cheap bike computers. I feel much safer leaving it outside a shop for 10-15 minutes while I pop outside. So I'm really not sure why I want the hardtail.
  5. I don't know why, but I really want a hardtail mountain bike. I have no need for one, I already have two bikes, I live in the middle of a city so there are no trails and I don't see myself flying off jumps and things anyway. The closest thing I get to a trail is the potholes! I have a Trek FX1 equipped with knobbly tyres which is my go to bike for commuting around town and just having fun. It's what I ride when I feel like being a bit of a hooligan, riding down stairs, popping wheelies, that sort of thing. It does everything I need it for so I really wouldn't benefit from a hardtail, yet
  6. I'm not sure if this counts as "sporty" so feel free to tell me off for being naughty and breaking the rules. I did some errands on the bike today with my daughter, well, we went to two shops. It was really nice to get out on the hybrid and just have a ride with her, backpacks on our backs, jeans and a hoody. No lycra or anything, not even any padded shorts. Locked our bikes outside, went into the shops to buy some things (including chocolate, VERY important!) and rode home again. Did a little over 5 miles according to Google maps. Much nicer than taking the car!
  7. Pee on his office chair? Pull down your clothes and sit in the chair just like a toilet, pee in the cushion and walk away like nothing happened.
  8. I don't think that has ever happened to me, sorry! The very rare occasion it has happened, I've managed to hide it.
  9. Sophie


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