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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I know exactly which video you mean. I remember getting annoyed at how she said "oscillating" Blonde woman, pulls down her underwear and sits down. "You are not recording this..." laughing face "Okay...you are"
  2. Yes! I am impressed you can tell from the graph. I really love climbing so I picked a route with lots of hills. My daughter didn't enjoy them much but she loved racing down the other side afterwards so it all worked out in the end.
  3. Does this count as flashing? Hayley Williams.
  4. Rain stopped! Oh man I absolutely love riding on a Sunday evening when everywhere is quiet. Just me, my daughter and a few dog walkers. Anyone else love data?
  5. Well done for getting out there! I want to go for a ride, I really want to go for a ride, but it's raining! I will carry on riding if it starts raining while I am out, but actually leaving the house in the rain? It is so hard to find the motivation. I can't even find anything from Lidl to make me want to go out! 🤣
  6. Kirsty Mitchell To add to this, I want to watch her peeing in a specific way, and a way a lot of people might deem boring or mundane. As much as I would enjoy watching Kirsty wet herself, or pee next to her car or something, I want to watch her have a regular toilet wee. I think it would be amazing being on set with her, watching her getting increasingly desperate in between takes, becoming more frustrated with her colleagues every time they make a mistake because she really needs a wee. Frantically hobbling about while they reset between takes, every agonising sec
  7. I did my part this morning! I woke up and as I got out of bed I was hit with a huge urge to pee. It wasn't the usual dull ache I get when I wake up really full, instead it was an alarming "Sophie, get to the toilet NOW!" I didn't even make my bed, I walked across the landing to the bathroom and as I opened the door I saw my husband was already in the shower, likely what woke me up. Perfect! I closed the door behind me and quickly took off the white t-shirt and pink shorts I had slept in before stepping into the shower with him. "Good morning babe" I said with a smile before giving him a k
  8. Happy birthday Gorgeous!!!
  9. Sophie


    No it is not me, sorry.
  10. I have been really flexible since my early teens. I used to do a lot of athletics, particularly hurdles and in my free time with my friends we would do things such as the splits, carthweels etc. I haven't grown up, I still do these things often so I have retained my flexibility.
  11. This might be a strange one... sawdust. My husband has worked in a factory with wood for as long as I have known him and his work clothes always have this particular smell to them. Whenever I walk past someone doing DIY (or doing it myself) the smell of sawdust just reminds me of the man I love.
  12. Never! I love answering these questions! I can!! What is the other half?
  13. I wrap it twice around the fingers of an open palm. Maybe 6 squares? I used to wrap it only once but we had some really thin toilet paper at school and I explored myself in greater detail than I'd liked several times. After wrapping it I slide it off my fingers, part my legs slightly while still seated and reach between them. Wiping front to back before dropping it into the water below. Yes!! If I am in the woods I will often stand up to wipe with a Kleenex, reaching between my legs. I never wipe while standing if using the toilet, but after squatting in the woods it is completely diff
  14. This song has been stuck in my head for the last hour. *grumble* stupid tv *grumble*
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