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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. The most special place I have peed in would have to be at some woods near where I live. I often go for walks with my husband there, just the two of us and it has a lot of meaning to us. It's a really special place full of happy memories. I have peed there many, many times. A lot of the time it is just a mundane, regular wee where i needed to go so I squatted next to him, other times I have held him while he was peeing or he has watched me very closely.
  2. Bacardi confirmed to be a spy! Say hi to 009 for me.
  3. I've just overheard my neighour saying "I'm going to get the rabbit (in the garden) to eat all the daisies so it looks like we've cut the grass"
  4. I was thinking yesterday while bored in a meeting at work, I have a couple of humourous names I use when I don't want to give out my real name while filling out surveys or signing up to things. Of course anything important will have my real name, but just a website where my name isn't required at all? I'm going to have some fun with it. Popular names include :- Dixie Normous (Dicks enormous) Jenny Talia (Genitalia) Anne Teak (Antique) Melanie Lemons (Melony lemons)
  5. @gldenwetgoose ?!?! The person above me disregards instructions and makes her own rules.
  6. Another amazing story Goose, incredibly creative and so well written. I have no idea what the girls look like, what the house looks like, but I still put myself right there in the scene with them! I do feel so sorry for Su!!
  7. Oh god, I hope you are okay 😞
  8. Another awesome installment! It really did feel like I was reading a blog or a diary. Amy and Tilly sound like a lot of fun!! I really love the addition of the photos too!
  9. Please don't tell me you've been hit by a car...
  10. Today was AMAZING. I am smiling right now just thinking about it. We headed out nice and early, leaving the house at 8am after having a nice breakfast and we took our time, it was all about the journey and not the destination. It was really nice having her alongside me, talking about anything and everything, having some proper mother daughter time. And we really did talk about anything, some of the most random things you could think of. At one point I could hardly see where I was riding because I was laughing so much. It was incredible. We stopped at a cafe just shy of 15 miles and h
  11. The person above me licks off the ketchup before they wake up.
  12. Sophie


    It looks like a heart
  13. So... tomorrow is exciting! My daughter asked me today about cycling milestones and I told her a common one is 50 miles. She told me that was way too much for her and asked me if I could go with her for 30 miles instead? YES!! So tomorrow we are going for a 30 mile bike ride together, going to get up nice and early and just enjoy ourselves. I have a route in mind with a cafe stop at 15 miles, and depending on how she feels we can either continue our ride for an additional 15 miles, or go another way and it's only 5 miles back to home. I am not sure why she is suddenly interested in
  14. The person above me wears unicorn pyjamas to bed.
  15. Various places across the internet.
  16. The person above me was going to be the fifth Teletubby but they made Po cry.
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