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Everything posted by peeingfurry

  1. I'd love to do that but can't for now Some sources say Enzyme Based stuff works well to get piss out of anything, i got enzyme based dishsoap but dont know if it would work. Anyone have experience with that?
  2. Nice video, may as well use the drain if they put it there
  3. Always wanted to piss all over the inside of someone elses house together with my bf, maybe not that unrealistic though, someone has to be into it
  4. Sadly you don't always live with people who appreciate this fetish, so whats some good ways to clean puddles/stains, especially of carpets? Ive found Diy Vinegar + Baking Soda for ones left by pets but wonder if that works if its by a human. Also whats effective for getting it off wood without any stains? Most of my furniture is wood. I'd need to be able to get rid of all evidence if I want to have some fun.
  5. People being able to do this always makes me wish I had pets to blame it on. Nice stream btw.
  6. Doing it as kind of revenge always is really fun
  7. I thought of building a home cinema in the basement if ever got a house...but hidden drain under the carpet just to be safe. Meaning you can just piss there and anything the carpet doesnt catch goes in the drain
  8. Now I really gotta do that once i got a train with no one one near the specific carriage
  9. I wish there was a proper pee videogame that isnt just a basic porn game with a few scenes or just made as a joke
  10. It's mostly a turn on thing obviously, but peeing anywhere I want also is really calming. Just the combination of going whereever I want and the sound I guess.
  11. I'd put a cam into a stairwell too, more my specific taste though. Always loved people making a bit of a waterfall on stairs.
  12. Some stuff crosses an abritary line (obviously subjective) where its a just dickmove (destruction of specific property etc). But my biggest annoyance is when it's recorded on a shit camera making it look like a snuff film. Massive offturn.
  13. Always wanted to piss on the train here (not UK tho), but sadly they got very visible 360° cams on the ceiling so not risking that
  14. Most fun experience is quite easy to think of, I used the bathroom alot during class due to being the only one actually drinking any Water.' So rarely anyone else was around. One day after alot of hesitation I whipped it out and started pissing on a stall standing in the middle of the bathroom. I often used the wall while inside stalls to see how high iÍ can mark, but nothing was as naughty as just standing in potential view of everyone boldly pissing onto the outisde of the stall. I always wanted to piss in a hallway since I didnt like the place, but never had the balls, even
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