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About MaxWasTaken

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 09/28/1994

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Pan Male ? (Had to google it. No expert)
  • Occupation
    IT / Media / Helpdesk -> Jack of all trades
  • Age
  • Location
    Germany / Leipzig
  • About Me
    On Topic: I stumbled on this website through pure coincidence. I didn't know there was a community.
    Im still learning and exploring so have some patience with me. Oh and im really fascinated with this website.

    Off Topic: I like the usual Stuff: Mechs, Games, Anime, Movies, video and image editing, programming, Role Playing (D&D/Pathfinder/TDE/Chtuhlhu/Shadowrun).
    But i also like everything that is out of the ordinary or even obscure and weird.
    Chances are that if you are passionate about something i find it interesting.

    Relationship: I fear i have not much experience with "Love" because my Relationships tend to crash and burn before they even start. (Which at least leads to funny stories.) But if i ever got "lucky" i would probably be mad scientist style experimental xD.

    This text was improvised on the fly. I will probably improve this text in the near future.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    I think i like everything that defies the norm. For example public wetting or nonchalant peeing. Forbidden fruits taste sweeter.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Currently: Having a nightly walk through the park only dressed in a Shirt, wet trunks and a butt plug.
    BUT (!): It doesn't really count because i was alone and there was more or less zero risk involved. So it was not the bold move i wanted to make.

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  1. This is basically just your subconscious using the training you aquired throughout your whole life :D. I mean you trained yourself to not pee in those situations and basically made it a passive. I would also suggest to go with baby steps. For me it helped to start with something which was closest to what i was used to. So i would suggest to start by peeing like you would do when using a urinal. Start by peeing on your tire or the side of your car. Somethign where your subconscious doesn't block you. The next time do something which is closer to what you are actually trying to do. Its
  2. You might want to add a tiled floor beneath the carpet. And if you are building the house a drain in the center of the room would be smart as well. Then you could super easily clean the room if you need to.
  3. Cool :D. Thank you for sharing. How do you get involved in such a community. Just knowing the right people or is it an online thing ? Not asking for specifics just curious :3.
  4. I hope this is not to weird to ask. You mentioned that your friends invited you to a sex party. Is this something you regularly do or is there a story behind it ? I skipped the party stage of being a teenager and never visited parties where you do more than hanging out with your friends. So im curious about how someone starts hosting sex parties :D. Its just so foreign to me that i want to know more. (If you don't mind talking about it)
  5. You could order food from a place where you are not a regular and wet while receiving the delivery/paying the delivery guy. If things get to awkward you can just close the door and end the "encounter" any time. Its slowly getting warmer. You can hide pee as water you used to cool yourself of or sweat. You can do basically anything which involves water and wet yourself in public. Peeing/Wetting while sun bathing is fun. Wear something tight which doesn't show when it's wet like black shorts and let out a bit of pee when ever some kind of trigger occurs. For example when you talk
  6. Not sure where to post this but i found it to interesting to not share. It also never occurred to me that the whole "peeing from under the skirt" can be done with a full blown dress as well. Maybe some of you will be a naughty disney princes on next Halloween xP. I screenshottes the relevant part but here is the link to the full article: https://medium.com/history-of-women/victorian-women-wore-the-most-hilarious-underwear-ec2cc1ecf848
  7. For someone like me who is stuck in home office for a while now, this is pretty motivating. Im obviously very happy for you and i would love to give you a high five :D. But reading that you just went to a concert, for a genre of music, which isn't even your favorite, just for fun, is inspiring for me because i think i should meet more new people. So thank you for the amazing story and the inspiration :D.
  8. I regularly see signs which say: "please don't pee in the trash cans".
  9. Kinda fits the thread and i din't know where to put it. Didn't know these things exist.
  10. Happy P-Day guys :D. (Penny is a discount super market chain in Germany for those who don't know)
  11. Im not from the states so i might be missing some cultural context. I truly sympathize with your worries but i think you are making this a bigger deal than it is. Its just a toilet. You don't have to follow any specific guidelines. Leave a urinal in between you and another guy if possible, don't stare at other peoples dicks and thats it. Don't be weirded out by older men who grunt or groan when they take a piss xD. Im not sure why this is so common. When i was on vacation in France i accidentally visited the ladies bathroom for a full week because i didn't find the mens bathroom and i tho
  12. So there is a strategy involved. Thank you for the answer :D. Very interesting.
  13. Serious quesion out of curiosity: Doesn't that get uncomfortable when you wear a wet diaper? Wouldn't that cause chafing? Hope this is not a weird/uncomfortable question for you ^^"
  14. You might know from other threads that i never had sex because i have a mix of bad taste and terrible luck in relationships. But thats the reason why i don't use a fleshlight ore something like that. I'll stick with basic masturbation because i don't want to ruin the excitement of doing something else with my penis (sex/masturbation wise). I know that sounds probably pretty stupid but I'm weird that way. If i would be honest with me than i would probably realise that im putting sex on a too high pedestal. That beeing said i do like toys because they change things up and its always fun to
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