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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Don't panic - I'm back and haven't burned the house down. After a couple more leaks I decided a flood was likely to be next, so went downstairs and threw a towel on the floor of the utility room. Standing on it I released maybe 1/3 of my very full bladder to relieve some of the pressure. Then I allowed myself to undo my belt and buttons. At that point both legs of my jeans were wet and my bits bathed in a wonderful warmth. I realised I was standing right in front of the dishwasher, so opened its door and stood astride it. I pulled my jeans down to top of my thighs, keeping w
  2. I've dribbled the tiniest dribble, and can barely sit down. And trying to take my mind of it wielding a soldering iron - shakily. Oops - think my time is up
  3. Yay - four hours.... and a couple of minutes. I'm literally shaking though. And still nearly dry. Nearly.
  4. Went outside in the cold air to put some rubbish in the bins - that didn't help. Have just been sat at my computer tapping away quite happily, up to the point of suddenly realising I have to pee. Maybe an 8-9 now. And ideally another 35 mins to go.
  5. That's the aim. Just had quite a squirm and grabbing moment though, so it's going to be tough... Probably a 6 or so now. Could pee if I chose, and would definitely take a convenience pee normally if I was passing a toilet.
  6. It's been a while since I've done one of these... And middle of the day so my luck will be nobody online. Working from home, and with some washing ready to go in the machine. I had a nice relaxing pee at 8am, and it's now 10:15am - I'm on my second cup of coffee and just beginning to feel the tiniest hint in my bladder. My aim is to hold until 12:00 though. And in a bizarre twist of fate, a length of string seems to have got itself completely wrapped and knotted around my jeans fly. Oopsie.
  7. Since you're asking in effect in real time, I've moved your post to here.
  8. Welcome!!! I should offer you a little gentle advice - being here for a little while may well have you feeling much less embarrassed and worried about where you pee. You are amongst friends here and you'll see so much 'normal' peeing outdoors, indoors, in clothes, on floors.... everywhere. Soon you may find yourself wanting to be more and more daring... Don't say we didn't warn you lol.
  9. Seems a bit late in the day to wish you a 'welcome' after chatting so much already!
  10. I’d also be in that group of desperately wanting to express my empathy, appreciation etc over your relief. I guess in the context of a first meeting with you, and one where he was hoping to win the business of installing your new boiler then he had to be on best behaviour with no risk of saying anything which ‘some’ could assume creepy. Perhaps down the line, if he did get the job, there’s potential for more chat on the subject ?
  11. @Sophie @Kupar - I was just going to add the afterthought... Only way to know for certain is if you happen to see the bro-in-law and the porn star together, in the same place at the same time. That would confirm it. Guessing you haven't though @Sophie? 🤣
  12. Three times in the space of 24 hours - thanks to SOME of you fine people. But normally more like 3 times a week, occasionally more and sometimes less.
  13. You are sure the actor isn't just wearing temporary tattoos for the movies, you know to distinguish himself from being an everyday brother-in-law type guy ???
  14. 10 out of 10 there and a gold star - perfectly played and even more perfectly described. Absolutely love it !!!! Well done.
  15. I guess there’s a whole load of formulae and conversion factors locked in my brain that are redundant now we just Google everything… Also redundant is the family home phone number - I left home at 17 and soon after it was just a case of dialling from my phone’s memory. But a couple of years ago I suddenly found myself at my parents house in Spain, just after my dad’s death. They’d sold the family home a decade earlier, and staring at his combination locked document safe was the first time I’d typed in that number for maybe nearly thirty years. At that precise moment, remembering m
  16. I can only really speak for myself (although I suspect there may be other friends who also think the same way) that sometimes it's easy to overlook the simple pleasure in just 'having a wee'. We on the site here find ourselves taking everything to the next level of exciting pee action, and I at times feel like I'm the one missing out on all that action. Just enjoying the more daily weeing is a lovely thing to do.
  17. Your turn will come to be able to perfect the art of child embarrassment - mind you, you can make a life’s work of it. Just imagine though if you had given it the full bore treatment!
  18. You’ve got this - you’ve been more in need before now. 😊
  19. Works for me (on several levels). Perhaps a little mission, should you choose to accept it… ”Sorry… can you excuse me one minute - I’m absolutely bursting for a wee - I really don’t want to have an accident” or something tamer if you prefer.
  20. So - you’re not going to be trying to completely conceal the need ? Guessing that his boiler sales pitch could be longwinded - sure you can survive?
  21. Next step @Chrissy89 is next laundry day, to go for a wee and then clean up using a towel off the warm radiator, enjoying its warmth and softness, before popping it into the wash. Level above that is just to hold the towel against yourself whilst you wee…
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