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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Staff Notice: The original topic of this thread was about Urethra Angle and the effect it has upon pee angle. For some time now the thread has been derailed into a discussion on cultural attitudes in certain parts of the world and the same repetitive discussions, 'theories' have been quoted. This is at best tiresome, and is not the topic for discussion here. Yesterday it became evident that some of that discussion was being used to express hate speech in very general terms towards women - which is completely unacceptable. Clearly my post yesterday was ignored. The staff d
  2. Hi and a huge welcome. Sounds like you’ll be perfectly at home here - enjoy!
  3. Please just stop. You are asking anyone who answers to consider breaking site rules including 3, 4 & 15. This line of thinking is NOT acceptable on Peefans. We are here to celebrate and enjoy all things Pee related - not to discriminate and to insult races or genders.
  4. @PeeInPussy75 If you are talking about guy/girl or girl/girl wet sex then the place for that is in the Pee Videos section. If you were talking about guy/guy or guy masturbation then in Men Peeing. We ask people to add to existing topics wherever possible, so please browse through the thread titles to find something suitable. Final point to note is that the site doesn’t upload videos directly. They have to be hosted somewhere else and then post a link to them.
  5. Thanks @eee555 I don’t think any of us can criticise your use of English - it is far better than if I tried to communicate in Thai. I was able to complete the survey. I believe I was able to understand each question. I’m guessing that you’ve written some pee-fetish specific questions followed by some generic character type questions ? (In the past I’ve studied some management psychology theory including personality profiling and I can see a theme in some of your questions). Perhaps you are expecting to see a connection between certain character traits and people on this
  6. Welcome @Josejo to the site. There's many of us who began to enjoy aspects of pee when we were younger, and it's lovely to read about the simple and innocent pleasure that's enjoyed as you've described. We'd love to hear more about any such pleasures, or indeed if there are any more 'adult' experiences that you wanted to describe after you turned eighteen. Thanks again !
  7. At least you found it today.... and not when you opened your bag, and plugged the USB stick into the computer in the boardroom where you're giving your presentation to the management team next week.
  8. Not a video, although it often is. No - the time before last I'd been having a chat with two friends on here, partly just a lovely honest chat about all sorts - but about some fairly personal and very arousing stuff. And straight after I ended up browsing some of my favourite pictures on here and masturbating. The last time was almost the same, reading and then re-reading a message from the same people about events that followed on - and then masturbating at the scenario they'd described. Not as graphic or exciting as some - unless you were there at the time 😉
  9. Definitely sounds like one for @Admin Thanks everyone else for your help.
  10. Only in English please - if you would be so kind.
  11. I think in a lot of places (council run pools, hotel pools with swim up bars...) it's near enough the law to piss there. 🤣
  12. Is it Livechat that you don't have? If so, you may have the option to 'Turn ON member chat' from your profile: - On a desktop browser, click your name on the site header bar and a dropdown list should appear. - On a mobile browser, click the top right 'three bars' icon and then click on 'Account'. In both cases, if Livechat is turned off then you should see the option to 'Turn ON member chat'. Other than that @Admin - can you advise?
  13. Hi and a huge welcome - and glad you took the step of joining in. Great to have you on board.
  14. Yes, the conversation had changed topic a little after your initial question. So that still stands - as well as the Discord community mentioned, anyone familiar with any others???
  15. If you hover your mouse (or click on the username on a mobile device) you can see a few details like joining date and last site access - in this instance unfortunately the same day for the Peemj. But the door's always open for them to make a second visit. We live in hope.
  16. Interesting thoughts - and I try to be open minded on these things. I guess, just like this site, the fact we're such a diverse community with varied pee interests would mean everyone would expect something different from a discord. Here on this site we have Livechat which a number of people use regularly and talks about all sorts of topics and not just pee. We also have messaging, where inboxes aren't full(!) and both of those facilities are extended for those subscribing to Gold. Now I'm guessing that those wanting to pursue Discord are thinking about more than just typed chat -
  17. And pray my Lady, what of thy manservants. Doest thou allow thy servants to seek relief in as much as those fair maidens who may pisseth beneath their skirts? For surely if thy butler or groom is not able to pisseth upon the wall or tree, he shall surely be disgraced? What of the fate of such?
  18. Question is, would your usher, your maids and your ladies in waiting be expected to hide their needs whilst in your service? As royalty one would expect and demand their unfaltering attention to your needs. Of course they would be attentive to your every need, want and whim and you would be assured of their discretion in every matter. But would you acknowledge the needs of nature calling upon them? All those in service would of course know to speak only when spoken to and it would of course be improper for a mere serf to request leave from your presence, even more so to soil their ga
  19. [Edit] - The back-story that nobody asked for... I think I'd heard of Imelda May before I spent time Googling her last night. You know they keep saying 'Guys, it's good to talk' in terms of encouraging that men's mental health is important, and guys need to communicate their worries and fears? That it's ok for guys to show emotions... Let's just say, that's been in my mind for a few days. That balancing act between silent voices telling me other people have much bigger problems, there's nothing in the scale of things for me to be complaining at, just 'man up' and get on with it.
  20. The gift that keeps giving lol. Huge thanks for sharing with us - and I'll echo everyone else's reactions. Maybe you'll have chance to discuss the events with N at some time coming up ? Perhaps to explain that weeing with him right there felt a little taboo and naughty, and that made it feel arousing somehow - and that you wouldn't of minded if he wanted to take a peek. A subtle emphasis on peeing with him right there, without trying to explain the pee kink?
  21. I'll also echo the 'small steps' advice. Obviously in your mind you know completely what aspects really turn you on, and have spent a long time contemplating aspects that do. From an external point though, it's a huge black hole - for example, you may enjoy witnessing desperation but hate the thought of someone you love being humiliated and upset by an accident. But it'd be easy for her to just assume that you DO want to control and humiliate her in some sort of abusive power-play. Extreme example, but hopefully makes sense. So from my limited experience, it's important to make
  22. I think you may have answered your own question there - if you've seen a video then it happened, right? Depending on any cuts and edits in the video. Certainly I've seen uncut clips of actors peeing huge volumes. Also there's various chat already on the community - our search engine is pretty good too, either for words or use inverted commas for phrases like "bladder capacity". You may also be interested in a current related topic of discussion: https://peefans.com/topic/25581-how-many-seconds-should-a-pee-last-to-be-considered-a-need/?tab=comments#comment-355724
  23. < Thread closed to further comment - Original pictures no longer available >
  24. Your plane ticket is in the post @Bacardi Hmmm... Wonder how many years you could add for mile-high wet sex with an airline pilot? Barely half way to the total sentence - 6/10 Must Try Harder. I'm kidding of course, you're perfectly naughty. 🥰
  25. It's a great find, and thanks for sharing. I can't help but think though, it's been put together by someone with a very vanilla view of sex (and who was possibly a virgin). I mean, the whole premise of sex being a crime - and you really can't win if there's time to be served for lights on AND lights off ??? Then the penalties for the bed you don't own and whilst drunk - who of us hasn't had a holiday hotel drunken shag? That's nine or ten whole years in one go, maybe fifteen if it's someone you picked up in the hotel bar. Most enlightening though is the complete avoidance of
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