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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Absolutely lovely @Audrey81 - huge thanks for sharing. As always you're far too good to us.
  2. Bless you @Bacardi - not going to give my usual over enthusiastic wow response. Instead sending hugs over hubby upsetting you and glad you hopefully managed to enjoy your moment and brighten your day back up.
  3. I think when we as guys pee, we firstly know it's coming and as we're peeing we can sense how hard we're peeing - so can push a little harder to raise the stream for example. For anyone else holding and guiding, there's no feel for these things - so for example you may angle the stream up as he realises he needs more power too and then an overcorrection. Perhaps you need to blindfold you guys as well as tie hands behind their backs.
  4. [Moderator's note - Please ensure you give adequate notice before making such posts. It isn't easy to source crowd control barriers, seating, 'Please Queue Here' signs at a moment's notice you know. ]
  5. Usually(*) I'd say I was probably an E3, diminishing to an F3. Usually not straight into the water, especially if it's a night and other people are trying to sleep. And as for why it's not an E7 or F7 ? Do you ever find you have a habit way of doing things, like tying your right shoelace first? I guess it's just that. [Edit - forgot to add my caveat... * I say usually - although there are the times when either I've been playing and my foreskin isn't sitting right or perhaps I've had a drink or several. In those instances, anywhere from about -5 to +15 is possible, and
  6. Practise makes perfect - and I can't imagine Mark objecting too much. It easier when you can feel the flow rate and adjust angle for the best trajectory.
  7. So - Pictures of Dicks / Cocks in all their glory, all shapes, sizes but NOT pissing now have their very own category in Sex & Porn at https://peefans.com/topic/24968-male-dick-cock-of-the-day/ And that leaves this thread for all the Pissing Fun.
  8. And now the male dicks / cocks of all shapes and sizes are here, in the 'dry' Sex & Porn category - there's an offshoot thread (pun intended) in the Men Pissing area, for all those assorted pictures of, well you know, Men Pissing. So - non-pee dicks / cocks here. Pissing dicks / cocks at
  9. Not a meme or funny clip as such... But a true story. This afternoon we (wife & I) went into our favourite Italian deli / cafe to pick up some treats and decided to have a coffee. So we were shown to a table, right next to where two mature ladies were sitting. One of them in particular was the sort that didn't know the volume of her own voice, it was near impossible to concentrate on our own quiet conversation whilst she droned on, and on, and on continually. We did learn during our coffee though that it's very surprising just how many ladies on the phone will suddenly a
  10. I'm very reliably informed: Samantha Rice
  11. A huge welcome to the site- and whilst your DMs may become wet - it's really not where this site is at. We're a forum, and when anyone posts in the public forum everyone gets to see and enjoy it, just like this welcome message. So - enjoy yourself browsing around, it's the quickest an most effective way to get to know who's who and who's active here. And shout up with any questions, we're here to help.
  12. Wonderful account of what must have been a wonderful moment. I'll have to see if I can unwittingly contribute to creating more moments like that in the future. As always huge thanks for sharing - it's what makes the Peefans world go round.
  13. Hi Tim and a huge welcome to the community. Great to have you on board. I'm sure it's just in the wording, but there's plenty to explore in this purely virtual online community here. And the best bit is because we're online only, you'll be interacting with people from all around the world.
  14. Dear Wet Carpet, I'm really hoping some of your readers will be able to give me some advice. I've been seeing this really cute guy for a few months now and things are getting more serious. Now my problem is, he's asked me to go away for a few days with him in his camper at Easter. The plan is we're going to wild camp, just stopping wherever around the coast and into the mountains. Don't get me wrong I'm really excited and really looking forward to most of the trip. The thing I am petrified about though is the bathroom arrangements. His van doesn't have a toilet compartment
  15. Totally hear you there @avatar and I'd be exactly the same I'm sure. For us, our particular interest is perfectly safe and natural but at the same time we know most of the world could easily be freaked out and jump to lots of incorrect conclusions as to how extreme and deranged we are. So any sharing about our particular interest would have to be in a conversation where other people have also declared similar 'levels' of kinks. And then perhaps I'd still be initially downplaying the true extent. Maybe confessing being turned on at seeing a picture of a girl pissing - as a starting poi
  16. I'm going to rekindle this post if I may as a generic workplace and co-worker sighting thread, rather than create a new post... This one started a few weeks ago. Background is that I work (in the normal day job) for an industrial company on a large site, office based. The project I work on is an international collaboration, and my immediate colleagues are all Italian, who spend three year secondments with us all working together. Many are young professionals, and they seem to magnetise towards the few young ladies working in this male dominated engineering environment. So, with
  17. The very best kind of friends... Far less of the sort of dramas - he went out with her, she's not talking to him and all that. Just sounds like you've got a great group of people to support, listen and be truly interested in each other. And of course there's an inherent trust in there, sounds like you all share quite personal information knowing nobody is going to be gossiping or sharing it outwards. Agree there's nothing to suggest a holding kink - just an example of when there was something more pressing going on, like watching the movie, than going to pee. Interesting quest
  18. Maybe an underground car park... even if you don't drive but can walk in and then be hidden behind some of the cars?
  19. Interesting the way the votes are going - and to be honest pretty much along the lines I was thinking, but I've answered to give more flexibility. This is only my opinion and I don't want to colour anyone else's judgement or choices. It's drawing on a particular fantasy of mine, and that doesn't mean it'll appeal to you @Shypee or be exciting for anyone else. I'd say definitely outside though. I've gone a bit wider than the one specific outdoor location, and I don't know what your weather is like in early spring. So it may be one to wait a few months for some sunshine. In you
  20. I'm absolutely sure it could (and should). At the same time, did anyone else's mind go the same way as mine? "How's the meal everyone, is the roast beef to everyone's liking, how about the vegetables?" "It's lovely. But is there any chance of a bit more gravy please?" "Of course - just give me a second". <zzzzip>
  21. For info, I've taken the chat related to the Dating Forum discussions out of this topic and merged it into:
  22. Thing is - I probably have other faults... I can't play the drums for one, and E would miss his daddy terribly. How about sticking with the devil you know, but having a virtual devil (or devils) here on Peefans. Best of both worlds?
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