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Posts posted by DesperateMama

  1. NOTES:

    Forgive me, this is long and probably not everyone's cup of pee-er-tea. This is the first time I have ever posted any of my stories. Actually, it is the first time I have ever even *written* them down. Usually I go through them in my head for my own entertainment. So again, forgive me if others are not as amused by my stories as I am. Anyway, I hope it doesn't completely suck and if it does, well, maybe don't tell me. Haha. Then I can continue to entertain myself without self-doubt. ;) I tease. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


    Celine work up with a start. She could have sworn that she heard something. Something that sounded a lot like... a dog? No a wolf. She had definitely heard a wolf. That was just silly though. She was at home in her own bed, nowhere near anything of that nature. Last she checked there were no wolves, or any other major wildlife for that matter, anywhere near the city her apartment resided in. Never even opening her eyes, she felt a chill and reached for her blanket, only it wasn't there and she all of the sudden became aware that for whatever reason, she was no longer in her bed. Her eyelids flew open and she bolted upright looking around her. She was surrounded by thick woods, she would have thought by the looks of her surroundings that there could have been no possible way anyone could be anywhere near. Only once she stood, she could see a series of lights heading her way. In a panic and not having time to think properly she froze. The reasonable part of her brain was telling her that she should hide but her legs didn't seem to want to listen.

    As the lights grew closer she realized that there were several beings and the lights were not torches as she had thought, not fireflies or lanterns either. They seemed to be hovering and flying at their own will. Lighting the path for the beings that were heading right for her. She could hear murmurings among them but could not make out the words. It was at this point that she was all of the sudden aware of the potential danger before her and she slipped behind a nearby shrubbery. Once squatted down in hiding, it hit her. Between the anxiety and the fact that she had just woken, she needed to pee, no she needed to pee badly. She thought about pulling down her pajama pants right then and there and reliving the pressure but it was at that very moment that the beings heading towards her stopped. 'Did you hear that?' one of them said. Then they got quiet, too quiet for her to even think about attempting to empty her aching bladder. However, the urge was so strong she found herself unable to keep completely still and quiet. She willed herself not to move but it was in vain. Despite her awareness of the gravity of the situation, she shifted her weight. That was all it took. A branch broke beneath her foot and it cracked loud and clear for the beings to hear and they took off towards her at a run. As they got closer she saw that it was, what looked like, two grown men and a younger man who looked to be around her own age. It didn't take long for them to track her down before she could do anything the hand of one of the men reached into the shrub and grabbed Celine by the arm pulling her into exposure. They all gasped as stood in front of them in nothing but a pair of flannel pajama pants and an over-sized t-shirt. She was in tears and couldn't help but squirm at this point all the while the men demanding she stand still and stop trying to run. They seemed almost as afraid of her as she was of them, of course they did not look like they needed to pee.

    She was able to get a decent look at them now. They did not look like anyone she had ever seen before. They were dressed as if they had walked right out of a Renaissance fair and carrying what looked like dulled swords. It wasn't until she looked up that she realized the lights were actually fairies. She gasped as one of them flew right up to her face and demanded to know her name and where she came from. 'My name?' she answered dumbly, still taken aback by the presence of the magical creature. 'My name is Celine. I came from, well, not here. I don't know where I am or how I got here. I just want to go home' - 'and pee' she added in her head. She didn't know what to do. She was surrounded by strangers and fairies that she had only read about in books and here she was about to pee in her pants like a child. She was 18 for Pete's sake. Surely she should hold it until they left her alone. After giving her answer the fairies gathered together with the men and they spoke in low voices, though never letting go Celine's arm. She considered trying to break free, but where would she run?

    Finally they came to some sort of consensus and turned back to her. They told her that she was being taken back to the village to see the Wizard. At this, she panicked. It occurred to her momentarily that, perhaps this was all a dream. She was actually in her bed asleep but that would be no good either because that would mean that is she relieved herself here, she would in turn wet her bed. Though the rising levels of pain in her bladder told her that this was not a dream at all and if she did not want to pee her clothing in front of everyone she should speak up. 'Excuse me' she said, 'I, um, I need to...' The man in front turned around and snarled at her, 'Need to WHAT?' she shouted. Celine bowed her head in embarrassment, 'I need to pee. Is there somewhere I can go?' The snarling man grunted 'Look around you girl, we are in the woods, you can go where you like but you will not be out our sight. Not until we see the Wizard.' Then squinting at her he added, 'He will know what to make of you.'

    The idea of peeing in from of the tree men and the fairies made her sick to her stomach. She could hardly pee in front of her pet cat. Desperate times called for desperate measure and she resigned herself to her fate. She looked around and said quietly 'So-so I can just go right here then?' The snarling man grunted and turned his back to her while the man who had her arm let go, but not before giving her a detailed description of what would happen to her if she were to run off and he had to track her down again. He then barked an order to the fairies. Telling them to make their light shine on her to guarantee that she did not escape into the dark, then shoved her slightly forward so that she was between him and the young man. She turned her back to the man who had been holding her, so that she could not see him looking. Then standing in the light of the fairies, without a shred of darkness to hide her, she hoped that the young man, would turn his head. However his mouth was gaping open as she stood before him in desperation. So this was it. She had to do it now. All eyes were on her, with the exception of the Snarling man who was still facing in the direction they were headed.

    She slowly started to lower her pants and panties. The man behind her shouted for her to hurry up making her jump and spurt a but of pee down her legs. She knew that he noticed it glistening in the fairly light because she heard him chuckle under his breath. Once she got her pants in place, she bent forward in a low squat, spreading her legs slightly to prevent her bare feet from getting too wet. The young man continued to watch her in awe but Celine tried her best not to notice. It took her a moment to get started. Then there was a trickle but she felt it hitting her leg. One small adjustment later she could hear her thin stream hitting the leaves below. Still feeling desperate, the trickle quickly turned into a torrent as her pent up liquid escaped her. Her pee left her body so quickly that the Earth was unable to absorb it as she went and it began to puddle and splash her legs. She secretly hoped that it also splashed the boots of the man behind her chuckling yet again. After what felt like ages she finally started to feel the relief she had been waiting for before the stream turned back into a trickle. She glanced down as she began to pull her pants up and saw pool created by her own juices. She had no idea she could hold that much and for some odd reason, she was proud of it. At any rate, she felt so much better that it seemed as though the majority of her anxiety had left her body with her golden liquid.

    Once she had her pants adjusted and it was clear she was done the began moving through the forest again but not before she got a good look at the young man in front of her. Despite his mouth still being agape she realized he was rather handsome and for a moment she went back to being embarrassed. Then a fairy flew past him and she saw something else. Could that be a bulge in his pants? Was that there before? Surely she would have noticed right? Before she could think anymore about it he covered it with his hands. Then she knew for sure. He had actually enjoyed watching her pee! This left her with a whole new feeling in the pit of her stomach. She still wanted to know where she was and how she got there but this feeling was overwhelming her at the moment. She knew would have to explore and what better place to explore than a strange new world.

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  2. I have been following this site for a good while. I never signed up for an account until recently and never posted before today. I am a married mother of 2. I am in my 30's. My fetish is almost totally closet. I mean my husband knows and has, once, drunkenly humored me but I really keep it to myself. I hope to eventually get to the point where I am ready to post some of my own stories/experiences.

    What I would really like is an opportunity to write fan fiction. I have a hard time finding good pee fanfics that catch my interest... I dunno. Maybe one day I will figure it out.

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