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Posts posted by shivaz

  1. Ok, I see that it could interest some people :)

    We will make a try and add the soaked items on our private store, the next time that will do a wetting video. Stored in a plastic bag, to keep humidity ;)

    When you'll buy it, you'll get a voucher to download the video, and I'll send the item the next opened day, where you want.

    We can also do some custom requests (not too complicated). Send us a image of the kind of item you want to be wetting with your short scenario (position, place...).

    When it's ready, I'll send you a link to our private store for payment.

  2. Naomi's answers

    1) Peeing on a partner : 10

    2) Being peed on by a partner : 0

    3) Peeing in your partner's face : 10

    4) Having your own face peed on : 10 only if it's another woman that pee on her face, 0 for man

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source : 10

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source : 10

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet : 5 ( 10 if it's another women)

    8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner : 10

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches : 10

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self : 0

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee : 10

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner : 0

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate : 10

    14) Pissing in full public view : 10 but in her country of origin in Africa only because of more opened mentalities.

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view : 10 only if it's another woman 0 if it's a man

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together : 0

    My answers

    1) Peeing on a partner : 5

    2) Being peed on by a partner : 10

    3) Peeing in your partner's face : 5

    4) Having your own face peed on : 10

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source : 5

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source : 10

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet : 10

    8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner : 5

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches : 0

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self : 10

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee : 5

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner : 0

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate : 10

    14) Pissing in full public view : 0

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view : 10

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together : 0

  3. I've invested more than every earned penny in a new 4k cam, a Sony FDR-AX33 that will replace my old Canon HDV cam.

    I wanted a Sony Alpha A7 S2 with a good lens because of it's low light sensitivity, but it's too expensive for us:


    If someone is rich enough to buy it for us :

    1. You'll get a life time access to all our clips present and future
    2. I come to pick-it up with Naomi, for a weekend, wherever you're, and she'll pee wherever you want :wink: You're living room carpets, your car, your bed, ....

  4. I've launch my clip4sale store 3 months ago. What I can say so far :

    • I've earned a total of $874 for that 3 months.
    • My best seller is Cindy hotel carpet clip and has been sold 17 times in the first week, 0 after being pirated.
    • Price doesn't have a noticeable influence on sales.
    • 7 of my clips have made 0 sale (Outdoor, balcony and bathroom one). Not a surprise because the free offer in those categories is consequent.
    • I've spent a lot of time on boring tasks (like editing, converting, checking free sites for pirated contents, I've paid girls, hotels, cameras, I've been taking risks, all of that for $874...on which I still have to pay taxes...:depressed: I'm pretty sure that if I had beg for money in the streets for 3 months, I'll have earned more :cry:
    • I will still make videos because I love that and I will probably "share" some of them and try different things to see if it sells better.

  5. The clips we share are not ones made by a individual pee model. We are more into the voyeuristic watching of women peeing in public places.

    Ok, I understand your point of view now. A circle of trusted friend is a good mean to share the result of your hunts! Sharing this kind of files is not the same as sharing clips made by individual model.

  6. This is a small group of people who have proven over the years to be trustworthy and honest.

    I don't know your group, how many members inside, or what they do with videos. I just wanted to say that impact of sharing a clip on a small ultra-specialized community can be devasting. You can't simply compare it with sharing films or books with your circle of friends.

    I am too cheap

    I hope that this will change and that you will support the productions you enjoy today! ...if they are still there :unsure:

    People will buy music, and copy songs so that they can play them in different locations (work, car, home, on a mp3 player while working out) even though the producer claims that they should buy each copy rather than just buying one and duplicating it.

    If you buy one of my clip, you can use it wherever you want, your UHD TV, your car DVD player, your computer at work, your iPad... You can even watch it with your girlfriend/wife!

  7. To me sharing a picture or video privately is the same as one person purchasing a book, and then allowing others to read it. Once they have paid for it, in my opinion they own it and have the right to share it with others.

    Do you share peeing videos with members of your familly? colleagues at work? :woot: Or "friends" who likes pee clips too, from all other the world? The problem with our market is that it's a niche market. We are not producing the last James Bond, or signing books J.K. Rowling. There is only a very few poeple all other the world, interested by the same kind of things. When you share a clip with a private community, pee friends from internet you can easily touch 80% of the potential customers. The negative effects are immediate for the producer.

    • Like 1
  8. Thank you very much for your feedback MissPiss. I totally agree with you. I knew that piracy would be a problem, but I've been surprised by how fast it has happened (less than one week and less than 10 sales) .

    Monitoring your content on free file sharing sites is a full time job in itself.

    Yes, that's true. Perhaps we could do something like a network of guardians? If I see your clips on a free site I will report them. If anyone who understand the negative effects of piracy on their fantasies reports stolen clips, that would be nice, and we could produce more clips instead of looking for pirated ones!

    I propose "The Guardians Of Pee"! Who wants to help us to fight against the evil piracy and protect your pee producers?!


  9. Offer a high def option and a standard option. Those whose equipment can handle the former will then have that option, without losing all those potential customers whose equipment can't handle it.

    Don't worry, I will continue to propose all my clips in Full HD, which can be considered as the today standard. Even if I film everything in 4k, it's easy to downgrade a 4k clip to a full HD clip.

    My question was more :

    Is there, today, any potential customer for a 4k version of a pee clips?

    Nowadays I see a lot of 4k UHD TV in shops for less than € 500. Even smart phones are able to film in 4k. But I haven't seen any pee content in 4k!

    As a customer, I would be happy to spend a few more bucks to get a 4k version of the clips I like. Am I the only one?

  10. Many thanks for your support Steve! And we need support! You not only buy a clip, you're also giving us hope and help to fight against discouragment!

    To my mind, streaming sites are not a solution against piracy. It's easy to download the stream, there is plenty of tools to do it. And that's the first thing I do when I buy a clip from streaming site! I don't want to loose what I've ordered if the site close. I want to be able to play my clips even if my internet connection is down.

    I don't like DRM solutions. It's too restrictive and annoying for honest customers and don't prevent someone with bad intentions to pirat it, even if it's at the cost of a downgraded quality. See security cams encrypted recordings, ultimate easy and dirty solution is to take your smartphone to film the monitor!

    My problem with piracy is not only the loss of incomes, and the anihilited return on invest, it's also the respect of the private life of my models. Being viewed by fifty persons around the world is not the same as being viewed by hundred of thousands. They are taking risks, they don't need to be overexposed.

    I'm working on a private site, for selected and trusted customers only. A place where I could put a lot more clips, without the fear of being pirated!

  11. Thank you for feedback Kevin and Paulypeeps

    For the price per minute, I don't think it's a pertinent indicator in our niche. I can make a 1h desperation clip, I will sell it the same price as a 1 minute pee clip. What is important is the pee scene. It takes hours to wait for the girl to be desperate and everything is done in less than a minute.

    Hotel pee clips are expensive and risky to make, specially on carpeted floor. I will never been able to update my clip store as often as Sinna ;)

    For your $600 blu-ray, it's not so expensive if it contains 90 naughty hotel pee scenes of 1 minute :)

    If it contains 2 anonymous pee scenes with blabla/desp.... no-one will by it :D

  12. I start this thread to share some thoughts about producing and selling pee videos and exchange with other producers, customers and even leechers ;).

    First of all I would like to thanks Sinna for her wonderful guide for clips4sale beginners :


    There is a lot of useful informations and advices.

    I've launch my own store on the end of September 2015.

    In the first few days I was very happy with the sales of my hotel carpet peeing series! And one week later everything stopped... My clips where everywhere on the net!

    Following Steve25805 advice, I'm now checking free hosting sites every day, that's an awful job!

    WantonLee suggested a kind of kick-starter campaign. I was also thinking to start a campaign but more to buy a good 4k cam to be ready for future :)

    I would really love to know the point of view of other producers on piracy! Perhaps someone has even stopped this activity because of that? Or hesitate to launch his site? Or find an alternative way to distribute their content?

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