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How well is fetiches accepted today?

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I have a questionsare about fetisches and females/males, but the second A, B and C questions is aimed to wemen/girls. I don´t have a girlfriend at all because of many reasons and these questions is one out of many more questions I´m thinking about every day when I meet a girl.

The headline maybe should be another one.

1 A) I wonder if fetisches is more acceptable among a group of females than if a man told his girlfriend that he had fetisches and what causes this huge difference between the genders?

2 A) If a man told his girlfriend or wife that he had one or more fetisches would you ask him to share them with you and still respect and love him as a man.

2 B) Would you laugh at him and talk about it to all your girlfriends and leave him forever?

The C-question below is followed by the D-question.

2 C) Is a girl with a visible/unvisible disability more accepted than a man with visible/unvisible disabilities and if you are a girl would you fall in love with this man and give him sexual pleasure even if he had a lifelong and permanent disability?

2 D) Is a man with a disability classified as a real man that wemen/girls wants, and what is attractive with a man with a disability, why do you fall in love with a man with a disability?

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  • 7 months later...

It is highly likely a fetish could be more popular just among women, but it would not always be sexual in nature. However I have met some women who have had really obscure fetishes, in short sometimes it seems more ok for women to have these odd fetishes at time; it just varies.

Logically id only see someone wanting to be with another person if they would accept every aspect of them, there is not much reasoning behind thinking any less of any person just because of a fetish. I guess i am more open minded from hearing about women being open about liking gay porn.

Man or woman i would not think any less of them for having an odd fetish, sure i might joke about it but i don't intend to offend them or anything.

Well personality disorder and mental disorders are not that hard to deal with, psychical disabilities are pretty much the same. Anything can happen, but people can be really insecure or fickle so nobody is perfect. its a person to person deal.

I would say yes, however even though 'i do not have any disabilities i have found i get treated the way you explained in 2D.

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